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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Inside the Two Years that Shook Facebook, and the World
From ACM News

Inside the Two Years that Shook Facebook, and the World

One day in late February of 2016, Mark Zuckerberg sent a memo to all of Facebook's employees to address some troubling behavior in the ranks.

China: Police ­sing Facial-Recognition Sunglasses
From ACM News

China: Police ­sing Facial-Recognition Sunglasses

The Chinese government is equipping its police with real-time facial-recognition sunglasses to instantly locate criminals in crowds.

Mind the Gap: This Researcher Steals Data With Noise, Light, and Magnets
From ACM News

Mind the Gap: This Researcher Steals Data With Noise, Light, and Magnets

The field of cybersecurity is obsessed with preventing and detecting breaches, finding every possible strategy to keep hackers from infiltrating your digital inner...

App Translates Lectures Into Text
From ACM TechNews

App Translates Lectures Into Text

Researchers at the University at Buffalo have developed Lecture Buddy, a smartphone application that translates lectures into text using a continuous speech recognition...

Neural Networks Allow ­S to 'Read Faces' in a New Way
From ACM TechNews

Neural Networks Allow ­S to 'Read Faces' in a New Way

Stanford University professor Michal Kosinski is using deep neural networks to illustrate the use of facial-recognition technology for invasive monitoring

How to Control a Machine ­sing Your Mind
From ACM News

How to Control a Machine ­sing Your Mind

Bill Kochevar's life was changed, seemingly irrevocably, when he was paralysed from the shoulders down following a cycling accident nearly a decade ago.

Inside Amazon's Artificial Intelligence Flywheel
From ACM Careers

Inside Amazon's Artificial Intelligence Flywheel

In early 2014, Srikanth Thirumalai met with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

Strava Suggests Military ­sers 'opt Out' of Heatmap as Row Deepens
From ACM News

Strava Suggests Military ­sers 'opt Out' of Heatmap as Row Deepens

Fitness-tracking company Strava has defended its publication of heatmaps that accidentally reveal sensitive military positions, arguing that the information was...

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule
From ACM News

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule

Over the past two months, Google has started letting people around the world choose what data they want to share with its various products, including Gmail and...

The (almost) Complete History of 'fake News'
From ACM News

The (almost) Complete History of 'fake News'

In record time, the phrase morphed from a description of a social media phenomenon into a journalistic cliche and an angry political slur.

Major Payment Company: 'fewer and Fewer ­se Cases' For Bitcoin Payments
From ACM News

Major Payment Company: 'fewer and Fewer ­se Cases' For Bitcoin Payments

Stripe is one of the most popular ways for small online organizations to accept credit card payments. And in 2014 it became one of the first major payment processors...

Going Serverless
From Communications of the ACM

Going Serverless

Serverless computing lets businesses and application developers focus on the program they need to run, without worrying about the machine on which it runs, or the...

Facebook Says Social Media Isn't always Healthy For Democracy
From ACM News

Facebook Says Social Media Isn't always Healthy For Democracy

Security Fears Spark Crackdown on Chinese Tech
From ACM News

Security Fears Spark Crackdown on Chinese Tech

The federal government is taking steps to reduce the presence of some Chinese technology firms in American markets.

Fbi Chief Calls ­nbreakable Encryption 'urgent Public Safety Issue'
From ACM News

Fbi Chief Calls ­nbreakable Encryption 'urgent Public Safety Issue'

The inability of law enforcement authorities to access data from electronic devices due to powerful encryption is an "urgent public safety issue," FBI Director...

Do We Need a Tech Boom For the Elderly?
From ACM News

Do We Need a Tech Boom For the Elderly?

Joseph Coughlin has been director of the MIT AgeLab ever since he founded it in 1999. In his new book, The Longevity Economy, he contends that old age—much like...

Your Phone Will Know You Better Than Your Friends Do, U of T Researcher Predicts
From ACM TechNews

Your Phone Will Know You Better Than Your Friends Do, U of T Researcher Predicts

Richard Zemel at the University of Toronto in Canada discusses artificial intelligence developments he anticipates for the year ahead.

Meltdown and Spectre: Here's What Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Others Are Doing About It
From ACM News

Meltdown and Spectre: Here's What Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Others Are Doing About It

The Meltdown and Spectre flaws—two related vulnerabilities that enable a wide range of information disclosure from every mainstream processor, with particularly...

Smartphone Science
From Communications of the ACM

Smartphone Science

A new generation of portable scientific instruments is taking shape, thanks to mobile processors and innovative data-gathering techniques.

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda
From ACM News

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

Under fire for Facebook Inc.'s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship...
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