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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Playing It Safe With Two Networks
From ACM News

Playing It Safe With Two Networks

To protect itself from hackers, Cryptography Research runs two unconnected networks—one for sensitive data and core engineering work that is not connected to the...

From Chalk To Bytes: The Digital Classroom
From ACM News

From Chalk To Bytes: The Digital Classroom

Colleges and universities are experimenting with different ways to connect students and teachers. More than 200 institutions are using open-source software created...

From ACM TechNews

Cyberattacks Are 'Existential Threat' to U.S., FBI Says

The threat from cyberattacks is so severe that it actually threatens the very existence of the United States, says Steven Chabinsky, the deputy assistant director...

Scientists Achieve New World Record in Energy-Efficient Data Processing
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Achieve New World Record in Energy-Efficient Data Processing

Computer scientists from Frankfurt's Goethe University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have set a new world record in energy-efficient data processing...

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Requires Os Rework, Windows Architect Advises

The basic architecture of modern operating systems may need to be rethought in order to accommodate multicore processors, according to a recent presentation at...

Survey: ­.s. Women and Minority Scientists Often Discouraged From Pursuing STEM Careers
From ACM TechNews

Survey: ­.s. Women and Minority Scientists Often Discouraged From Pursuing STEM Careers

A lack of quality science and math education programs, persistent stereotypes, and financial issues related to the cost of education are the top three causes for...

From ACM TechNews

Rising Demand For Sql, Linux Skills

ITWorldCanada.comA recent Technology Demand and Supply Q4 2009 report, produced for the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, found that SQL, C#, .NET and Linux...

Grant Ensures Sustainable Future For Software
From ACM TechNews

Grant Ensures Sustainable Future For Software

The Software Sustainability Institute has been launched in the United Kingdom to help research communities in various disciplines manage their software tools beyond...

From ACM TechNews

Can the Iphone Save Higher Education?

Abilene Christian University's Mobile Learning project seeks to evaluate the potential of personal digital devices and social networks to transform teaching and...

Computer Scientists Empower Citizen Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Empower Citizen Scientists

Binghamton University computer science professor Kenneth Chiu and his students have created a Web site that enables people to access large amounts of information...

From ACM TechNews

Initiative Grants Access to STEM Curriculum

A program to help enhance American Indian students' achievement in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields has been developed by the...

The Sheer Delight of Tackling Shear Stress
From ACM News

The Sheer Delight of Tackling Shear Stress

NASA's commitment to provide aeronautical research opportunities to U.S. universities has led to another success, this time through an inventive student who earned...

Biometric Identity Project in India Aims to Provide For Poor, End Corruption
From ACM News

Biometric Identity Project in India Aims to Provide For Poor, End Corruption

In this country of 1.2 billion people, Inderjit Chaurasia could not prove his identity. When the migrant worker tried to open his first bank account in New Delhi...

'supertaskers' Among Few Who Can Drive and Yak on Phone
From ACM News

'supertaskers' Among Few Who Can Drive and Yak on Phone

A new study from University of Utah psychologists found a small group of people with an extraordinary ability to multitask: Unlike 97.5 percent of those studied...

From ACM News

Designer Lauded For Guidance in 'accessible' Web Sites

Medical communications expert Alicia Lane-Outlaw has been recognized in part for her expertise in making Web sites accessible to people with disabilities as well...

Spies Among Us?
From Communications of the ACM

Spies Among Us?

Governments' practice of electronic surveillance—and the growing use of warrantless wiretapping—has observers deeply concerned.

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response

After 15 years of research, robots for search and rescue may be nearing prime time.

Data Streaming 2.0
From Communications of the ACM

Data Streaming 2.0

In today's real-time Web, data streaming applications no longer have the luxury of making multiple passes over a recorded data set.

From ACM News

Maryland and Arkansas Teams Win ORNL Global Venture Challenge

Graduate students from the University of Arkansas and the University of Maryland received first place at the 2010 Global Venture Challenge that was hosted at Oak...

The Man Who Made a Copy of Himself
From ACM News

The Man Who Made a Copy of Himself

Roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro, one of the world's most brilliant—and controversial—android makers, has built android copies of a child, a woman, and now, himself.
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