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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Tinkering Makes Comeback Amid Crisis

The economic crisis and the reduced costs of high-tech tools and materials are fueling a resurgence in tinkering and experimentation. U.S. engineering schools...

Inventing a Programming Language
From ACM TechNews

Inventing a Programming Language

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Barbara Liskov, winner of ACM's 2008 A.M. Turing Award, recently delivered the first lecture of MIT's 2009...

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies
From ACM News

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies

A giant "digital cloud" that would "float" above London's skyline has been outlined by an international team of architects, artists and engineers. The construction...

From ACM TechNews

Social Tags Complement the Learning Resource Metadata, Researcher Finds

Social tagging can help people find educational resources in digital repositories that are filled with millions of learning materials, says Open University of the...

Adding a Sixth Sense to Your Cellphone
From ACM News

Adding a Sixth Sense to Your Cellphone

Many Indians bought their first mobile phones before they had their first experiences with personal computers. Pranav Mistry thinks that most of them might also...

Splitting ­p Search
From ACM News

Splitting ­p Search

Searching the Web could become faster for users and much more efficient for search companies if search engines were split up and distributed around the world, according...

Endowment Fund to Support Ict Research
From ACM TechNews

Endowment Fund to Support Ict Research

Australia will continue to serve as a hub for research into wireless technologies as a result of new funding from the Science and Industry Endowment Fund, announced...

Amir Pnueli, Distinguished Computer Scientist and Researcher, Dies
From ACM News

Amir Pnueli, Distinguished Computer Scientist and Researcher, Dies

Amir Pnueli, a professor of Computer Science at New York University and winner of the 1996 ACM A. M. Turing Award, died suddenly on November 2 of a brain hemorrhage...

K-State Freshman Manages Largest Supercomputer in Kansas
From ACM TechNews

K-State Freshman Manages Largest Supercomputer in Kansas

Kansas State University's (KSU's) Beocat is a cluster of 122 servers that work together to form Kansas' largest academic research supercomputer. "It's easier to...

From ACM News

Chicago Academy of Advanced Technology Opens

The Chicago Academy of Advanced Technology (CAAT) opened its doors on Sept. 8, 2009. The academy is the result of an effort to fill the need for skilled IT workers...

Study: No Shortage of ­.s. Engineers
From ACM TechNews

Study: No Shortage of ­.s. Engineers

The United States, contrary to popular belief, is not lacking graduates in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, according to a study...

Meeting Notes Progress For Women in Academic Science, but More Work to Do
From ACM TechNews

Meeting Notes Progress For Women in Academic Science, but More Work to Do

The current state of women in academia was addressed during the annual meeting of the grant recipients of the U.S. National Science Foundation's Advance program...

Professor Working to Advance Computing as a Science
From ACM TechNews

Professor Working to Advance Computing as a Science

University of Arizona professor Richard T. Snodgrass has received a U.S. National Science Foundation grant to promote computation as a true science. "The problem...

Report ­rges Colleges to Emphasize Math, Science, and International Studies
From ACM TechNews

Report ­rges Colleges to Emphasize Math, Science, and International Studies

Mathematics, science, and technology must continue to be a priority for U.S. higher education to ensure that the United States remains globally competitive, according...

From ACM News

Overseas Chinese Return to Start Companies

TIANJIN, China — This city in northeastern China is a long way from Sand Hill Road, home to the world's greatest concentration of venture capitalists. But a deal...

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality
From ACM News

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality

In the not-too-distant future, it might be possible to slip on a pair of augmented-reality (AR) goggles instead of fumbling with a manual while trying to repair...

Carnegie Mellon Expands Mobile Learning Project in India
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Expands Mobile Learning Project in India

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) recently announced the expansion of its Mobile and Immersive Learning for Literacy in Emerging Economies (MILLEE) project, which...

Parallel Course
From ACM News

Parallel Course

In 1995, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about 100 megahertz. Seven years later, in 2002, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about three gigahertz...

Friend This: Scientists Will Find Research Partners on National Network
From ACM News

Friend This: Scientists Will Find Research Partners on National Network

From ACM News

Congress Endorses Computer Science Education as Driver of Innovation, Economic Growth

ACM joins with several partners from the computing community to commend the U.S. House of Representatives' passage of a resolution to raise the profile of computer...
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