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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Science Meets Environmental Science
From Communications of the ACM

Computer Science Meets Environmental Science

Scientists share knowledge and seek collaborators at computational sustainability conference.

Facing an Age-Old Problem
From Communications of the ACM

Facing an Age-Old Problem

Researchers are addressing the computing challenges of older individuals, whose needs are different — and too often disregarded.

Medical Nanobots
From Communications of the ACM

Medical Nanobots

Researchers working in medical nanorobotics are creating technologies that could lead to novel health-care applications, such as new ways of accessing areas of...

Study Finds that Online Education Beats the Classroom
From ACM TechNews

Study Finds that Online Education Beats the Classroom

Students' performance in online education settings tended to trounce that of those receiving face-to-face instruction, according to a study SRI International carried...

From ACM TechNews

Nsf Awards ­CLA Engineering $10m to Create Customized Computing Technology

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Expeditions in Computing program has awarded the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Henry Samueli School of Engineering...

From ACM TechNews

Berkeley Lab Gets $62m to Build Blazing Ethernet Network

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been awarded $62 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to...

From ACM TechNews

Rutgers ­niversity in Newark to Lead Nine-School Consortium to Double Minority Students Majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Rutgers University in Newark is leading the Garden State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (GS-LSAMP), a $5 million, five-year, multiple-school project...

Computer Science Courses on the Decline
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Courses on the Decline

A decline in U.S. high school computer science (CS) courses is indicated by the Computer Science Teachers Association's (CSTA's) 2009 National Secondary Computer...

From ACM TechNews

Call For Debate on Autonomous Military Robots

BBC NewsAs robots are increasingly used in warfare, civilian lives will be put at greater and greater risk, according to University of Sheffield professor NoelView...

From ACM TechNews

Research Findings Contradict Myth of High Engineering Dropout Rate

Research indicates that engineering does not have a higher dropout rate than other majors and women's persistence in the discipline is equal to men's, according...

Cornell's Robotic Submarine Wins International Competition
From ACM News

Cornell's Robotic Submarine Wins International Competition

Months of meticulous testing, refining and retesting has paid off for Cornell University's Autonomous Underwater Vehicle team. With a flawless 11.5-minute run through...

Internet Society Honors CSNET Designers
From ACM TechNews

Internet Society Honors CSNET Designers

The Internet Society has honored the designers of an early computer network with its 2009 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award. The University of Wisconsin-Madison's...

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?
From ACM News

Wiring Rural America: Which Technology Is Best?

Reaching the most remote rural customers with high-speed Internet access can be prohibitively expensive. Consider the case of Hill Country Telephone Cooperative...

A Portrait of STEM Majors
From ACM TechNews

A Portrait of STEM Majors

A new report from the U.S. Education Department delves into how young students fare when they pursue science and technology degrees in college. The report, "Students...

From ACM TechNews

Semantic Technologies Could Link ­p ­k Learning

The United Kingdom should use Semantic Web technologies to link up its education system, according to a new report from researchers at the University of Southampton's...

Summer Program Opens High-Tech World to Deaf Students
From ACM TechNews

Summer Program Opens High-Tech World to Deaf Students

The University of Washington's (UW's) Summer Academy for Advancing Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Computing, funded by the National Science Foundation, aims to diversity...

Chicago Program Targets 12th Grade Science and Math For College Success
From ACM News

Chicago Program Targets 12th Grade Science and Math For College Success

A $5 million National Science Foundation grant awarded to five Chicago area universities and the Chicago Public Schools will train high school teacher leaders on...

Engineering Labs Going Online as Part of Remote Controlled Learning Program
From ACM TechNews

Engineering Labs Going Online as Part of Remote Controlled Learning Program

Montana State University (MSU) computer engineering students will soon be able to control laboratory equipment through their home computers. A two-year, $148,000...

Program Helps Faculty Members Develop Improved Security Assurance Programs
From ACM TechNews

Program Helps Faculty Members Develop Improved Security Assurance Programs

Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab and Information Networking Institute (INI) are hosting several faculty members for the annual Information Assurance Capacity...

Mentornet Provides Success and Service
From ACM TechNews

Mentornet Provides Success and Service

Michigan Technological University's (MTU's) MentorNet program matches students and new educators with mentors in either educational or professional positions to...
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