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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tech Gives Sound Directionality to Hearing Aids
From ACM TechNews

Tech Gives Sound Directionality to Hearing Aids

Researchers at Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University have developed a hearing aid system with sound directionality.

NOAA's Older Earth-Watching Satellites Get 'Extended Life'
From ACM TechNews

NOAA's Older Earth-Watching Satellites Get 'Extended Life'

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will use a cloud-based system to extend the life of polar-orbiting satellites slated for decommissioning.

AI Turns Thoughts into Text
From ACM TechNews

AI Turns Thoughts into Text

A portable, non-invasive system can transform an individual's thoughts into text.

Wearable Data Predicted COVID Infections
From ACM News

Wearable Data Predicted COVID Infections

Is convergence near for consumer and medical wearables?

Apple's iMessage Block of Beeper Mini Just Part of Bigger Blue/Green Bubble Saga
From ACM News

Apple's iMessage Block of Beeper Mini Just Part of Bigger Blue/Green Bubble Saga

Apple takes preventative measures to protect its customers. Beeper claims Apple's latest move does just the opposite.

Bots, Fraud Farms Responsible for 73% of Web Traffic
From ACM TechNews

Bots, Fraud Farms Responsible for 73% of Web Traffic

Arkose Labs reported malicious attacks by bots and human fraud farms accounted for 73% of all Web and app traffic in the third quarter of 2023.

A Drone with Ears
From ACM TechNews

A Drone with Ears

Researchers developed a microphone array that can be added to drones, along with cameras, to help locate disaster victims.

Wearable Communication System Could Reduce Digital Health Divide
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Communication System Could Reduce Digital Health Divide

University of Arizona (UA) researchers developed a wearable monitoring system that can send health data up to 15 miles without major infrastructure.

A Simpler Means for Visible Light Communication
From ACM TechNews

A Simpler Means for Visible Light Communication

Researchers at China's Nanchang University have developed a visible light communication (VLC) equalizer based on a single-order circuit.

Creating Virtual Objects with the Flick of a Finger
From ACM TechNews

Creating Virtual Objects with the Flick of a Finger

Researchers in the U.K. designed a system that allows the use of quick hand gestures to select tools to create objects and designs in virtual environments.

Scientists Develop More Efficient Way to Transmit Data Between Devices
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop More Efficient Way to Transmit Data Between Devices

Researchers demonstrated a lower-power method for transmitting data at close range while maintaining high throughput using electric, rather than electromagnetic...

Seeing the Light
From ACM News

Seeing the Light

Shining a light on light-based computing.

Breakthrough in Tackling Increasing Demand by IoT on Mobile Networks
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough in Tackling Increasing Demand by IoT on Mobile Networks

Computer scientists developed a technique to manage mobile network demand by multiple Internet of Things devices using terahertz frequencies.

Outdated Password Practices are Widespread
From ACM TechNews

Outdated Password Practices are Widespread

Researchers say a majority of the world’s most popular websites put users and their data at risk by failing to meet minimum password requirement standards.

Scientists Turn Invasive Carp into Traitors
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Turn Invasive Carp into Traitors

Agencies are using "traitors" to find hotspot hideouts of invasive carp that are threatening the Great Lakes.

Hackers Are Exploiting a Flaw in Citrix Software Despite Fix
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Are Exploiting a Flaw in Citrix Software Despite Fix

Citrix Bleed, a critical flaw in Citrix Systems software, is being exploited by government-backed hackers and critical groups.

Apple to Make It Easier to Text Between iPhones, Androids
From ACM TechNews

Apple to Make It Easier to Text Between iPhones, Androids

Apple will adopt a technological standard next year that will allow text messaging to operate more smoothly between its iOS devices and Android devices.

Hologram Lets Philippines' Marcos Speak in Singapore While Visiting U.S.
From ACM TechNews

Hologram Lets Philippines' Marcos Speak in Singapore While Visiting U.S.

About an hour after delivering a speech in California on Wednesday, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appeared in Singapore via hologram.

Tales of Topological Qubits
From Communications of the ACM

Tales of Topological Qubits

Emulating the behavior of exotic quantum states may give quantum computing a better way of squeezing out troublesome noise and errors.

China Claims World's Fastest Internet
From ACM TechNews

China Claims World's Fastest Internet

Huawei Technologies Co. and China Mobile Ltd. have built a 3,000-km (1,860-mile) Internet network linking Beijing to the south.
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