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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

National Lab Works to Cap, Reduce Carbon
From ACM News

National Lab Works to Cap, Reduce Carbon

Argonne National Laboratory will use supercomputers to help companies advance clean energy technologies with ultra-fidelity simulations and data analysis.

Epigenomics Now
From Communications of the ACM

Epigenomics Now

Computer power helps biologists track the regulation of genetic information.

Wayfinding Without GPS
From Communications of the ACM

Wayfinding Without GPS

Quantum entanglement provides a new direction in navigation.

Caltech, Broadcom Partner on Quantum R&D
From ACM TechNews

Caltech, Broadcom Partner on Quantum R&D

A multi-year partnership between the California Institute of Technology and Broadcom aims to advance quantum science research and development.

Human Brain-Like Supercomputer Coming Next Year
From ACM TechNews

Human Brain-Like Supercomputer Coming Next Year

Researchers have developed a neuromorphic supercomputer than can perform 228 trillion synaptic operations per second.

Autonomous Subs Wayfind Without GPS
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Subs Wayfind Without GPS

Researchers used reinforcement learning to improve the ability of uncrewed underwater vehicles to navigate without GPS.

Robo-Dog Sets 100-Meter Sprint Guinness World Record
From ACM TechNews

Robo-Dog Sets 100-Meter Sprint Guinness World Record

Guinness World records labeled a dog-like robot created by a team at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology the fastest quadrupedal robot.

Wearable Data Predicted COVID Infections
From ACM News

Wearable Data Predicted COVID Infections

Is convergence near for consumer and medical wearables?

VR Goggles for Mice Create Immersive Scenarios for Brain Research
From ACM TechNews

VR Goggles for Mice Create Immersive Scenarios for Brain Research

Northwestern University researchers developed virtual reality goggles for mice.

Quantum-Computing Approach Uses Single Molecules as Qubits for First Time
From ACM TechNews

Quantum-Computing Approach Uses Single Molecules as Qubits for First Time

Two teams of researchers made pairs of calcium monofluoride molecules interact to become entangled, a necessity for quantum computers to perform algorithms.

The World Depends on 60-Year-Old Code No One Knows
From ACM TechNews

The World Depends on 60-Year-Old Code No One Knows

COBOL is one of the top mainframe programming languages in use, but most schools and universities have not taught COBOL  in decades.

Bitcoin Mining Used More Water Than New York City Last Year
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin Mining Used More Water Than New York City Last Year

A study found that water use by bitcoin miners hit 591 billion gallons so far this year, up from 415 billion gallons in 2021.

2D Material Reshapes 3D Electronics for Hardware
From ACM TechNews

2D Material Reshapes 3D Electronics for Hardware

An international team developed a monolithic three dimensional integrated chip comprised of layered two-dimensional materials.

Drones Protect Wind Turbines from Ice
From ACM TechNews

Drones Protect Wind Turbines from Ice

Researchers developed a method to protect wind turbines from ice using drones.

DARPA-Funded Research Leads to Quantum Computing Breakthrough
From ACM News

DARPA-Funded Research Leads to Quantum Computing Breakthrough

Harvard-led team develops novel logical qubits to enable scalable quantum computers.

IBM's 'Condor' Quantum Computer Has More Than 1,000 Qubits
From ACM News

IBM's 'Condor' Quantum Computer Has More Than 1,000 Qubits

IBM has revealed two quantum computers. One is the second-largest ever made, and the other produces fewer errors than any quantum computer the company has built...

The Inside Story of Microsoft's Partnership with OpenAI
From ACM News

The Inside Story of Microsoft's Partnership with OpenAI

The companies had honed a protocol for releasing artificial intelligence ambitiously but safely. Then OpenAI's board exploded all their carefully laid plans.

A New Front Is Opening in the U.S.-China Chip Conflict
From ACM TechNews

A New Front Is Opening in the U.S.-China Chip Conflict

The ongoing conflict between the U.S. and China over semiconductor chip production is expected to ramp up as the U.S. seeks a competitive edge in advanced packaging...

Drones with Defibrillators Are Saving Lives
From ACM TechNews

Drones with Defibrillators Are Saving Lives

Researchers found drones with automated external defibrillators arrived at the scene of a suspected cardiac arrest more than 3 minutes before ambulances in 67%...

6G Could Pull Double Duty to Monitor Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

6G Could Pull Double Duty to Monitor Climate Change

Northeastern University researchers said over-the-air spectroscopy could enable next-generation 6G networks to monitor climate change and air pollution.
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