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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Nist Advises Securing Critical Computer Systems From Beginning to End

A new draft report from NIST discusses the challenge of maintaining information system security throughout a system's life cycle, and provides an array of practices...

Google: The Search Party Is Over
From ACM News

Google: The Search Party Is Over

Yes, the company is still growing at rates that would be the envy of the rest of the Fortune 500. But its core business is slowing, its stock is down, its Android...

From ACM TechNews

H-1b Visa ­sage Declines Sharply Due to Economy, Bureaucracy

The United States' struggling economy is a major reason why almost 40,000 H-1B visa application slots are currently unused, in addition to 9,000 slots in the Masters...

From ACM TechNews

Programming, Development Skills in Demand

Java/J2EE is the programming and development skill in most demand with more than 14,000 open job positions nationally, according to a July report from IT job board...

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato
From Communications of the ACM

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato

The PLATO@50 Conference marked the semicentennial of the computer system that was the forerunner of today's social media and interactive education.

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior
From Communications of the ACM

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior

Data captured by sensors worn on the human body and analyzed in near real-time could transform our understanding of human behavior, health, and society.

From ACM TechNews

It Employment Jumps For First Time Since 2008

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' quarterly current population survey report shows that IT employment rose an estimated 5 percent during the second quarter,...

From ACM TechNews

Java Supplants IT Security as Most Sought-After Tech Skill Set, Survey Finds

Java/J2EE has become the most difficult skill set and position to fill, according to a new survey. Java development has supplanted IT security and virtualization...

Companies Brace For End of Cheap Made-in-China Era
From ACM News

Companies Brace For End of Cheap Made-in-China Era

Factory workers demanding better wages and working conditions are hastening the eventual end of an era of cheap costs that helped make southern coastal China...

From ACM News

Chinese Outsourcer Seeks ­.s. Workers with Iq of 125 and ­p

Bleum Inc. sets IQ threshold at 140 for its hires in China, however.

Forget India, Outsource to Arkansas
From ACM News

Forget India, Outsource to Arkansas

As the U.S. unemployment rate hovers near 10 percent, some companies are starting to eye job-hungry areas of the country as prime candidates for the kind of outsourced...

From ACM TechNews

How a Smart, Decentralized Energy Web Is Essential for Managing Renewable Energy Sources

Researchers from the Italian research center CREATE-NET recently completed a study that examined the ways in which decentralized, bottom-up design approaches could...

Computing Careers: The Future Is Bright
From ACM TechNews

Computing Careers: The Future Is Bright

"The Market for Computing Careers," a new report from Calvin College professor Joel Adams, suggests a bright future for people pursuing computing careers. 

From ACM TechNews

The Idea Incubator Goes to Campus

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of a handful of universities that work closely with investors to make sure promising ideas are nurtured into successful...

Framework Adapts to Pervasive Network Changes
From ICT Results

Framework Adapts to Pervasive Network Changes

As computer networks become more pervasive, and their development in constant flux, their management by human intervention is becoming increasingly unfeasible....

Visions of the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Visions of the Future

ACM joined forces with the British Computer Society to deliver its first academic research conference in Europe.

Eric Brewer: Change Agent
From Communications of the ACM

Eric Brewer: Change Agent

Eric Brewer's latest project involves designing and deploying low-cost wireless infrastructure in developing regions.

From Communications of the ACM


Countries use Internet censorship to dominate the political dialogue, but also to create favorable conditions for government-controlled businesses.

Sharing Computational Perspectives
From Communications of the ACM

Sharing Computational Perspectives

Computer scientists are now making intellectual contributions to a wide range of other disciplines, including evolutionary theory, physics, and economics.

Fears Over Dearth of Engineers in Europe
From ACM TechNews

Fears Over Dearth of Engineers in Europe

The European Roundtable of Industrialists says that Europe needs to take action to encourage people to become engineers or risk losing out to India and China. 
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