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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Network Gives Traffic Managers, Police Real-Time View of Road Conditions
From ACM TechNews

Network Gives Traffic Managers, Police Real-Time View of Road Conditions

University of Maryland researchers have developed the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System, a system that gives traffic managers and police in...

Wireless Controlled From the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Controlled From the Cloud

IBM China Research Lab scientists have developed Wireless Network Cloud, a new architecture that shifts the signal-processing requirements of wireless networks...

From ACM TechNews

Silicon Valley Loses Foreign Talent

Silicon Valley is losing more foreign-born executives, engineers, and scientists due to better opportunities in their native countries, tough U.S. immigration laws...

China Drawing High-Tech Research From ­.s.
From ACM News

China Drawing High-Tech Research From ­.s.

U.S. companies—and their engineers—are being drawn to China more and more as the country develops a high-tech economy that increasingly competes directly with the...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Phone Allows Boss to Snoop

KDDI Corp. has developed mobile phone technology that detects even the tiniest actions of the user by analyzing the movement of accelerometers embedded in the devices...

From ACM CareerNews

It Adds 25,000-Plus Jobs in 2010

A new survey from the TechServe Alliance says IT employment grew by 14,000 jobs from January to February 2010, representing one of the strongest month-to-month...

Software's Take on the Light Bulb Joke
From ICT Results

Software's Take on the Light Bulb Joke

How many men does it take to change a light bulb? Putting the punchline aside a moment, consider that it takes even more to pack a shipping crate. Now a European...

From ACM TechNews

Trademark Issues Could Derail New gTLDs at ICANN Meeting

The introduction of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) could be hindered by a variety of factors, including trademark protection, costs, and cybersecurity threats...

Domain Name Czar Seeks .online ­nity
From ACM TechNews

Domain Name Czar Seeks .online ­nity

ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom continues to work toward net neutrality, but ICANN now faces new challenges as countries such as China seek more control over what Internet...

IT Spending Will Rise - But Not Rebound - in 2010
From ACM News

IT Spending Will Rise - But Not Rebound - in 2010

Global IT expenditure is expected to rise slightly this year for the first time since the onset of the global economic downturn, according to industry analyst Ovum...

Aerial Surveillance Technology Could Keep Soldiers Safer
From ACM TechNews

Aerial Surveillance Technology Could Keep Soldiers Safer

Cranfield University researchers have developed an autonomous computer framework that enables one operator to control multiple unmanned aerial vehicles  from a...

Berners-Lee to Share Reins at World Wide Web Consortium
From ACM News

Berners-Lee to Share Reins at World Wide Web Consortium

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), has a new co-captain. It's Jeffrey Jaffe, a technology... to Coordinate European Scientific Computing Grids
From ACM TechNews to Coordinate European Scientific Computing Grids

A new organization named the European Grid Initiative ( will coordinate a European-wide grid computing infrastructure that will enable scientists to share...

From ACM News

Guide For Applying Risk Management Framework to Information Systems Released

The final publication of the 93-page Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach (NIST Special...

From ACM TechNews

New Energy Harvesting Network Means Batteries Not Included

The new Energy Harvesting Network will offer U.K. researchers a resource for energy harvesting (EH) technology. The  network will give academics, industry, and...

To Create Jobs, Streamline Technology Transfer, Report Says
From ACM News

To Create Jobs, Streamline Technology Transfer, Report Says

Job creation in the U.S. will largely depend on start-up companies and entrepreneurs who populate university research parks, laboratories and incubators across...

Tracking Garbage
From Communications of the ACM

Tracking Garbage

Researchers are focusing on the so-called "removal chain" in an attempt to save landfill space, improve recycling rates, and trim the flow of toxic materials into...

Engineering the Web's Third Decade
From Communications of the ACM

Engineering the Web's Third Decade

As Web technologies move beyond two-way interactive capabilities to facilitate more dynamic and pervasive experiences, the Web is quickly advancing toward its third...

CS and Biology's Growing Pains
From Communications of the ACM

CS and Biology's Growing Pains

Biologists can benefit from learning and using the tools of computer science, but several real-world obstacles remain.

Putting Data Centers on a Low-Energy Diet
From ACM News

Putting Data Centers on a Low-Energy Diet

A holistic approach to data centers could result in millions of dollars of savings and a  smaller carbon footprint for the ever-expanding universe of information...
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