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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Spies (and Counter Spies) Are Using The Cloud
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How Spies (and Counter Spies) Are Using The Cloud

Secret agents have long been at the cutting edge of technological developments. By studying how different spy agencies use technology, it’s often been possible...

Web Plan Is Dividing Companies
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Web Plan Is Dividing Companies

In an emerging battle over regulating Internet access, companies are taking sides.

From ACM TechNews

Web Plan From Google and Verizon Is Criticized

Google and Verizon's proposal for how Internet service should be regulated was criticized by groups in favor of keeping the Web as open as possible.

Google Mapping Worries Spread
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Google Mapping Worries Spread

South Korea police raid Internet giant's offices; German officials criticize plan to roll out Street View in 20 cities.

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A Sidewalk Disappearing Act

Automatically removing people from street-level imagery could help prevent privacy complaints.

Wireless Car Sensors Vulnerable to Hackers
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Wireless Car Sensors Vulnerable to Hackers

Hackers could "hijack" the wireless pressure sensors built into many cars' tires, researchers have found. Criminals might then track a vehicle or force its electronic...

From ACM News

Google Agonizes on Privacy as Ad World Vaults Ahead

A confidential, seven-page Google Inc. "vision statement" shows the information-age giant in a deep round of soul-searching over a basic question: How far should...

Google, Verizon Propose Open vs Paid Internets
From ACM News

Google, Verizon Propose Open vs Paid Internets

Google and Verizon announced a joint proposal on Monday that would allow ISPs to offer premium content bundles over an unspecified global network—an unexpected...

Connecting Electronic Medical Records
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Connecting Electronic Medical Records

Looking out his office window in Seattle, Thomas Payne can see two hospitals that use the same electronic record system as his own. And yet, says Payne, medical...

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On the Web's Cutting Edge, Anonymity in Name Only

You may not know a company called [x+1] Inc., but it may well know a lot about you.

For Kevin Mitnick, Staying Legal Is Job One
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For Kevin Mitnick, Staying Legal Is Job One

Kevin Mitnick was eager to participate in a social-engineering contest at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas last weekend and was told he would target Microsoft...

Message From Rim Chief: Monitoring Would Kill Web
From ACM News

Message From Rim Chief: Monitoring Would Kill Web

Research In Motion Ltd. co-CEO Michael Lazaridis lashed out at governments seeking to ban his company's BlackBerry phones, saying they risk undermining the growth...

For E-Data, Tug Grows Over Privacy vs. Security
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For E-Data, Tug Grows Over Privacy vs. Security

 The threat by the United Arab Emirates to shut down mobile services on BlackBerrys like email and text messaging underscores a growing tension between communications...

From ACM News

WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious 'Insurance' File

In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks' recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious...

From ACM News

Plagiarism Lines Blur For Students in Digital Age

At Rhode Island College, a freshman copied and pasted from a Web site’s frequently asked questions page about homelessness—and did not think he needed to credit...

In Silicon Valley, Forget Your Wallet
From ACM News

In Silicon Valley, Forget Your Wallet

Two pilot programs by start-ups in Silicon Valley are testing ways to bring to market a long-promised innovation of the Internet era: the digital wallet.

The Agnostic Cartographer
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The Agnostic Cartographer

How Google’s open-ended maps are embroiling the company in some of the world’s touchiest geopolitical disputes.

­.s. Military Cyberwar: What's Off-Limits?
From ACM News

­.s. Military Cyberwar: What's Off-Limits?

The United States should decide on rules for attacking other nations' networks in advance of an actual cyberwar, which could include an international agreement...

From ACM News

White House Proposal Would Ease Fbi Access to Records of Internet Activity

The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual's Internet activity without a court...

Researcher Demonstrates Atm 'jackpotting' at Black Hat Conference
From ACM News

Researcher Demonstrates Atm 'jackpotting' at Black Hat Conference

In a city filled with slot machines spilling jackpots, it was a "jackpotted" ATM machine that got the most attention Wednesday at the Black Hat security conference...
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