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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

GM and Ford Open Up Their Vehicles to App Developers
From ACM TechNews

GM and Ford Open Up Their Vehicles to App Developers

Both Ford and General Motors announded at the 2013 International CES event that they want software developers to create apps for their cars, and that they will...

Nasa's Robotic Refueling Demo Set to Jumpstart Expanded Capabilities in Space
From ACM News

Nasa's Robotic Refueling Demo Set to Jumpstart Expanded Capabilities in Space

In mid-January, NASA will take the next step in advancing robotic satellite-servicing technologies as it tests the Robotic Refueling Mission, or RRM, aboard the ...

Drivers With Hands Full Get a Backup: The Car
From ACM News

Drivers With Hands Full Get a Backup: The Car

Car makers increasingly are adopting technologies for use in autonomous vehicles that take advantage of the array of optical and radar sensors in new cars. The...

In Video-Streaming Rat Race, Fast Is Never Fast Enough
From ACM News

In Video-Streaming Rat Race, Fast Is Never Fast Enough

On average, YouTube streams 4 billion hours of video per month.

Their Apps Track You. Will Congress Track Them?
From ACM News

Their Apps Track You. Will Congress Track Them?

There are three things that matter in consumer data collection: location, location, location.

The Future According to Google's Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

The Future According to Google's Larry Page

When Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP Group, the giant advertising agency, visited Google this past fall, CEO Larry Page sent a car to pick him up at the Rosewood...

U.s. Warns on Java Software As Security Concerns Escalate
From ACM News

U.s. Warns on Java Software As Security Concerns Escalate

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security urged computer users to disable Oracle Corp's Java software, amplifying security experts' prior warnings to hundreds of...

Leap Motion, Others Look Beyond the Mouse and Keyboard
From ACM News

Leap Motion, Others Look Beyond the Mouse and Keyboard

There was a time when the mouse and keyboard were the two primary ways to interact with a computer. Then came touch screens, and the idea of "natural input" became...

Mobile Apps Drive Rapid Change in Searches
From ACM News

Mobile Apps Drive Rapid Change in Searches

When the Federal Trade Commission decided last week to close its antitrust investigation of Google without charges, one important factor, though hardly mentioned...

How Fast Does 'Virtual Reality' Have to Be to Look Like 'Actual Reality'?
From ACM News

How Fast Does 'Virtual Reality' Have to Be to Look Like 'Actual Reality'?

For decades now, virtual reality has been a pipe dream concept, well ahead of the technology needed to realize it.

Digital Globes Offer a Dynamic Vision
From ACM News

Digital Globes Offer a Dynamic Vision

In the main hall of the hands-on science exhibits at the Cape Town Science Center in South Africa, a lifeless, tattered globe stands under naked fluorescent bulbs...

Mapping Malware's Genome to Fight Future Attacks
From ACM News

Mapping Malware's Genome to Fight Future Attacks

Every year a computer worm emerges to stalk the Internet, each one seemingly bigger and badder than the last (see diagram).

Can This Man Save Pinball?
From ACM Careers

Can This Man Save Pinball?

The last guys who tried to save pinball bet all their quarters on a bunch of 3D aliens.

Student Suspended For Refusing to Wear Rfid Tracker Loses Lawsuit
From ACM News

Student Suspended For Refusing to Wear Rfid Tracker Loses Lawsuit

A Texas high school student who claimed her student identification was the "Mark of the Beast" because it was implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip...

Researchers ­se Data From Traffic App to Identify High Frequency Accident Locations
From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Data From Traffic App to Identify High Frequency Accident Locations

Geosocial networks such as the global positioning system traffic app Waze could aid the police in their effort to deploy resources to high-frequency accident locations...

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines
From ACM News

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines

The amount of time and money needed to sequence genomes continued to fall in 2012, perhaps to no one’s surprise.

Feds Requiring 'black Boxes' in All Motor Vehicles
From ACM News

Feds Requiring 'black Boxes' in All Motor Vehicles

While many automakers have voluntarily installed the devices already, the National Transportation Safety Agency wants to hear your comments by February 11 on its...

Antarctic Irc: How Nasa's Flying Lab Stays Connected
From ACM News

Antarctic Irc: How Nasa's Flying Lab Stays Connected

Mars and Antarctica have a lot in common: They're both cold, inhospitable places with terrible broadband service.

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs

It's hard to believe you'd have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force.

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player
From ACM News

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player

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