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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Scientists Read a Galaxy's Entrails
From ACM News

Scientists Read a Galaxy's Entrails

Astronomers are taking a long, deep look at one of the best-known galaxies beyond our own Milky Way, to learn more about what happened when it gobbled up another...

Best Websites Balance Self-Expression and Functionality
From ACM TechNews

Best Websites Balance Self-Expression and Functionality

Penn State University researchers have found that providing users with a certain amount of freedom to express themselves could help designers develop more interactive...

AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm
From ACM TechNews

AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm

Bruno Kessler Foundation researchers Carlo Strapparava and Gozde Ozbal have developed artificial intelligence-based branding software that can mimic the process...

Implanted ­ser Interface Gives Patients New Options
From ACM TechNews

Implanted ­ser Interface Gives Patients New Options

Researchers at the universities of Potsdam and Toronto have demonstrated that it is possible to communicate with a small user interface device that is implanted...

DARPA Wants Gamers to Design Medical Training Software
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Wants Gamers to Design Medical Training Software

DARPA is seeking proposals for a game-based interactive system to train medical first responders.  

10 Years of Aqua Satellite's Incredible Images of Earth From Space
From ACM News

10 Years of Aqua Satellite's Incredible Images of Earth From Space

The view of Earth from space has transformed our understanding of, as well as our admiration for, the planet.

Turning Big Ideas Into Solutions
From ACM TechNews

Turning Big Ideas Into Solutions

Student teams' development of innovative tools has earned them awards in the University of California Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest...

London to Test 'smart City' Operating System
From ACM TechNews

London to Test 'smart City' Operating System

London is preparing to test an operating system designed to power the smart cities of the future.  

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Dynamic View of City Based on Foursquare Check-in Data
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Dynamic View of City Based on Foursquare Check-in Data

A dynamic view of a city's activities and character that reflects the ever-fluctuating patterns of city life can be generated by the millions of check-ins produced...

What Makes Heroic Strife
From ACM News

What Makes Heroic Strife

For the past decade or so, generals commanding the world's most advanced armies have been able to rely on accurate forecasts of the outcomes of conventional battles...

From ACM News


It is taking Americans a bit longer than the rest of the world to catch on to the idea of “mobile wallets.”   

­CLA Researchers Combat Global Disease With a Cell Phone, Google Maps and a Lot of Ingenuity
From ACM TechNews

­CLA Researchers Combat Global Disease With a Cell Phone, Google Maps and a Lot of Ingenuity

UCLA researchers say they have developed a compact and cost-effective rapid diagnostic test-reading device that works with standard cell phones.  

Scanning the Brain For Impending Error
From ACM TechNews

Scanning the Brain For Impending Error

University of Arizona researchers are using new technology to predict in advance when people will make a mistake on the standard math section of the College Board's...

Nasa's Space Apps Competition Takes on Big Ideas
From ACM TechNews

Nasa's Space Apps Competition Takes on Big Ideas

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration recently held its first International Space Apps Challenge, attracting participants from 24 countries for...

An Algorithm For Preserving Art
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm For Preserving Art

Technology ReviewThe Metropolitan Museum of Art's Paolo Dionisi and IBM researchers have deployed 120 low-power temperature and humidity sensors in an attempt to...

Automating Scientific Discovery
From Communications of the ACM

Automating Scientific Discovery

Computer scientists are teaching machines to run experiments, make inferences from the data, and use the results to conduct new experiments.

Robots Like Us
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Like Us

Thanks to new research initiatives, autonomous humanoid robots are inching closer to reality.

Digitally Possessed
From Communications of the ACM

Digitally Possessed

Virtual possessions play an increasingly important role in our daily lives. How we think about them and deal with them is changing the way we think and interact...

Network Science Reveals the Cities That Lead the World's Music Listening Habits
From ACM TechNews

Network Science Reveals the Cities That Lead the World's Music Listening Habits

Clique Research Cluster scientists recently analyzed data from, a social Web site for music, to determine which cities set the world's listening trends.

Programming Project Comes to Primary Schools
From ACM TechNews

Programming Project Comes to Primary Schools

A volunteer project in the United Kingdom is writing session plans for teaching the basics of computer programming to children between the ages of 10 and 11.  
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