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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Apple Will Turn to Holograms
From ACM News

Why Apple Will Turn to Holograms

Look around your office hallway or college campus and you'll see people holding interactive panes of glass.

New Generation of Virtual Humans Helping to Train Psychologists
From ACM TechNews

New Generation of Virtual Humans Helping to Train Psychologists

University of Southern California professor Albert Rizzo has created virtual humans who can interact with therapists via a computer screen and realistically display...

Touch Your Philodendron and Control Your Computer: Technology Turns Any Plant Into an Interactive Device
From ACM TechNews

Touch Your Philodendron and Control Your Computer: Technology Turns Any Plant Into an Interactive Device

Disney Research scientists have developed Botanicus Interactus, technology that enables houseplants to control a computer or other digital device.   

From ACM News

Average Web App Attacked Every Three Days

Do not envy the life of a Web app. It's a brutal, public existence filled with attacks from all sides. In fact, a new report by Imperva sheds some light on this...

Interdisciplinary Research Leads to Reduced Construction Costs and Multiple Awards
From ACM TechNews

Interdisciplinary Research Leads to Reduced Construction Costs and Multiple Awards

Virginia Tech professor Mani Golparvar-Fard has developed the 4 Dimensional Augmented Reality system, which automatically analyzes physical progress on large-scale...

Massive Data For Miniscule Communities
From ACM TechNews

Massive Data For Miniscule Communities

Michigan State University researchers have developed a computational technique that relieves logjams that commonly occur in big data sets.  

Software Enables Pcs to Solve Problems That Once Required the Cloud
From ACM News

Software Enables Pcs to Solve Problems That Once Required the Cloud

A new software program running on a single laptop or PC can, in some cases, solve bigger problems in less time than other available distributed frameworks. 

Learning Machines Scour Twitter in Service of Bullying Research
From ACM TechNews

Learning Machines Scour Twitter in Service of Bullying Research

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers are developing a computational method for searching through social media posts to find mentions of bullying events....

Rutgers Engineers Design Cell Phone App to Reduce Distracted Driving
From ACM TechNews

Rutgers Engineers Design Cell Phone App to Reduce Distracted Driving

Researchers at Rutgers University and the Stevens Institute of Technology have developed a smartphone application that can identify where a cell phone user is sitting...

Lasers, Cameras, and Particle Detectors: Mars Rover's Super High-Tech Science Gear
From ACM News

Lasers, Cameras, and Particle Detectors: Mars Rover's Super High-Tech Science Gear

Assuming it safely passes through its terrifying and complex descent sequence, NASA's newest rover, Curiosity, should get its wheels on the Martian surface in just...

Microsoft Seeks to Make Sense of What You Didn't Say
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Seeks to Make Sense of What You Didn't Say

Scientists at Microsoft and the International Computer Science Institute, which is affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley, are researching how to...

Deborah Estrin Calls For CS Research on Sustainability
From ACM News

Deborah Estrin Calls For CS Research on Sustainability

The old adage, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” applies to how both networking and sensor technology can help address problems of sustainability, says...

An App That Could Stop Traffic
From ACM TechNews

An App That Could Stop Traffic

German researchers have developed Greenway, a Windows phone application designed to help people avoid traffic jams and get drivers from one point to another in...

Crowd Sourcing Comes to Astronomy
From ACM TechNews

Crowd Sourcing Comes to Astronomy

Astronomers have reconstructed the orbit of the Holmes comet, which flew by Earth in 2007, using photos from the Internet.  

From ACM TechNews

Computers Not Yet Able to ­nderstand Human Speech

Cornell University professor Lillian Lee discusses the progress in natural language processing and machine learning and the challenges that lie ahead.  

At Getty Museum, Revelations of Art via Tech
From ACM News

At Getty Museum, Revelations of Art via Tech

Walking through gallery after gallery of classical European paintings, sculptures, and other antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum here, it's easy to get lost...

Device Helps Eyes Do the Write Thing
From ACM TechNews

Device Helps Eyes Do the Write Thing

French National Center for Scientific Research director Jean Lorenceau has developed a device that enables users to write with their eyes in cursive script on a...

Angry Birds Meets Bioinformatics
From ACM TechNews

Angry Birds Meets Bioinformatics

UAB researchers have developed ImageJS, a free smartphone application system that enables pathologists to drag a digitized pathology slide into a Web app and analyze...

Timing Is Everything For the Games' Chief Timer
From ACM Opinion

Timing Is Everything For the Games' Chief Timer

Timing is everything for Peter Hürzeler, a man for whom "good enough" simply isn't.

Advertising Gets Personal
From Communications of the ACM

Advertising Gets Personal

Online behavioral advertising and sophisticated data aggregation have changed the face of advertising and put privacy in the crosshairs.
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