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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What If There Were No More Disasters?
From ACM TechNews

What If There Were No More Disasters?

Texas A&M University professor Robin Murphy recently released "Computing for Disasters: A Report from the Community Workshop," which details the role of computing...

Voice Algorithms Spot Parkinson's Disease
From ACM News

Voice Algorithms Spot Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's is a devastating disease for those living with the condition, and currently there is no cure. Diagnosis can also be slow, as there are no blood tests...

An Online Encyclopedia That Writes Itself
From ACM TechNews

An Online Encyclopedia That Writes Itself

DARPA recently collaborated with Raytheon BBN researchers to develop a system that can follow global news events and provide intelligence analysts with useful summaries...

The Lolo Jones Project, Combining Speed and Technology
From ACM TechNews

The Lolo Jones Project, Combining Speed and Technology

Researchers at Louisiana State University and Red Bull are working on Project X, which involves using computer-vision technology and high-speed motion-capture cameras...

Digital Domain Grapples With Fur, Feathers
From ACM News

Digital Domain Grapples With Fur, Feathers

You may not have heard of the special-effects studio Digital Domain, but you've probably seen their work. They sank the Titanic for James Cameron; they aged Brad...

Researchers Amplify Variations in Video, Making the Invisible Visible
From ACM News

Researchers Amplify Variations in Video, Making the Invisible Visible

At this summer's Siggraph—the premier computer-graphics conference—researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory will present new...

Researchers Develop Optical Displays From Water and Air
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Optical Displays From Water and Air

Aalto University researchers have developed a concept of writing and displaying information on surfaces using just water.

Degrees of Separation
From Communications of the ACM

Degrees of Separation

Researchers now have the capability to look at the small-world problem from both the traditional algorithmic approach and the new topological approach.

HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution
From Communications of the ACM

HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution

Propelled by a proliferation of mobile devices and social networks, an enhanced family of Web specifications is bringing new power to developers and new capabilities...

Lost and Found
From Communications of the ACM

Lost and Found

Researchers discover computer pioneer Konrad Zuse's long-forgotten Z9, the world's first program-controlled binary relay calculator using floating-point arithmetic...

Bravely Going Where Pixar Animation Tech Has Never Gone
From ACM News

Bravely Going Where Pixar Animation Tech Has Never Gone

As people, we understand instinctively what flowing hair looks like. Or the way layers of clothes move on someone's body, or how water would splash when a bear...

Algorithm Beats Jigsaw-Solving Record
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Beats Jigsaw-Solving Record

Cornell University's Andrew Gallagher has developed an algorithm that set a jigsaw puzzle-solving record by sorting through 10,000 pieces in 24 hours, surpassing...

You For Sale: Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome
From ACM News

You For Sale: Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome

It knows who you are. It knows where you live. It knows what you do.

'facebook For Animals' Tested on Birds
From ACM TechNews

'facebook For Animals' Tested on Birds

Oxford University researchers have developed a way of analyzing the social networks that link individual animals to each other via their study of around one million...

Looking For the Perfect Tweet
From ACM TechNews

Looking For the Perfect Tweet

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles and Hewlett-Packard's HP Labs have developed an algorithm that weighs factors such as an article's subject...

Incentives For Drivers Who Avoid Traffic Jams
From ACM TechNews

Incentives For Drivers Who Avoid Traffic Jams

Stanford University researchers have developed the Congestion and Parking Relief Incentives system, which enables people driving in congested areas to enter a daily...

The New Science of Computational Advertising
From ACM TechNews

The New Science of Computational Advertising

University College London researchers recently conducted a review of computational advertising technology and outlined the challenges that it faces.  

'moneyball' For Basketball: Using Science to Change the Nba
From ACM TechNews

'moneyball' For Basketball: Using Science to Change the Nba

USC researchers are using SportVU optical tracking data, which uses video cameras installed in participating basketball arenas to capture real-time video footage...

Researcher: Interdependencies Could Lead to Cloud 'meltdowns'
From ACM TechNews

Researcher: Interdependencies Could Lead to Cloud 'meltdowns'

As cloud computing becomes increasingly common, serious operational "meltdowns" could take place as end users and vendors mix, match, and bundle services for various...

The Future of Medical Visualization
From ACM News

The Future of Medical Visualization

Medical visualization is the use of computers to create 3D images from medical imaging data sets. It's a relatively young field of science, relying heavily on advances...
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