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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Football Analysis Leads to Advance in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Football Analysis Leads to Advance in Artificial Intelligence

Oregon State University researchers have developed an AI-based tool that combines computer vision, machine learning, and automated planning to create a system that...

From ACM TechNews

­t Researchers Develop Algorithm to Improve Remote Electrocardiography

An algorithm developed by a team at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has the potential to make an electrocardiogram more effective. 

Researchers: Target Cancer Cell Metabolism
From ACM TechNews

Researchers: Target Cancer Cell Metabolism

Tel Aviv University professor Eytan Ruppin and colleagues have developed the first computerized genome-scale model of cancer cell metabolism. 

Researchers Improving Gps Accuracy in the 3rd Dimension
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Improving Gps Accuracy in the 3rd Dimension

Ohio State University researchers have developed software that can fix global positioning system errors by taking a more accurate measurement of altitude. 

Virtual Touch Helps Keyhole Surgeons to 'feel' Tumours
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Touch Helps Keyhole Surgeons to 'feel' Tumours

Leeds University researchers have developed tactile feedback technology that combines computer virtualization with a hand-held haptic device that gives doctors...

From ACM News

IBM Work With World's Thinnest Material Seen Creating Faster Pcs

A one-atom-thick layer of carbon may one day help International Business Machines Corp. and the U.S. military build more precise radar and computers that operate...

New Tool Allows First Responders to Visualize Post-Event Disaster Environments
From ACM TechNews

New Tool Allows First Responders to Visualize Post-Event Disaster Environments

During the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Level Exercise 2011, emergency preparedness officials and first responders used iPads and SUMMIT,...

Computational Method Predicts New Uses For Existing Medicines
From ACM TechNews

Computational Method Predicts New Uses For Existing Medicines

A recent National Institutes of Health-funded computational study analyzing genomic and drug data has been able to predict new uses for existing medicines. 

Antennas in Your Clothes? New Design Could Pave the Way
From ACM TechNews

Antennas in Your Clothes? New Design Could Pave the Way

Ohio State University researchers are working on a new way to incorporate radio antennas directly into clothing, in an effort to improve communications reliability...

Wire Robot Yanks Your Golf Game Into Shape
From ACM TechNews

Wire Robot Yanks Your Golf Game Into Shape

University of Pennsylvania researchers have developed a haptics-based robotic wire system designed to help golfers with putting. 

W3c Ignites Developer Participation in Web Standards Process
From ACM TechNews

W3c Ignites Developer Participation in Web Standards Process

The World Wide Web Consortium recently announced a new track, called W3C Community Groups, that makes it easier for developers and businesses to create Web technology...

From ACM TechNews

Research Team Develops Face-Mapping App For Global Smartphone Searching

Rice University researchers have developed a smartphone application that allows users to search images on other users' phones that have been transmitted by a centralized...

From ACM TechNews

The Public, Playing a Molecule-Building Game, Outperforms Scientists

Researchers at Stanford and Carnegie Mellon universities are using EteRNA, a Web-based crowdsourcing game, to understand how RNA molecules fit together. The researchers...

Remaking American Medicine
From Communications of the ACM

Remaking American Medicine

Developing an IT ecosystem for health could improve — and transform — the practice of medicine.

Invasion of the Mobile Apps
From Communications of the ACM

Invasion of the Mobile Apps

The market model pioneered by Apple and others is transforming the software world — and has profound implications for software companies and their customers.

Pretty Good Democracy Suggests Path to Internet Elections
From ACM TechNews

Pretty Good Democracy Suggests Path to Internet Elections

University of Melbourne fellow Vanessa Teague says that Internet voting systems cannot provide both high levels of privacy and vote verifiability, and she is an...

Face Recognition Ids Chimps from Photos
From ACM News

Face Recognition Ids Chimps from Photos

Facial recognition isn't just for humans anymore; similar programs run on apes could help park rangers help identify chimps and gorillas, scientists have found...

From ACM News

Robot 'mission Impossible' Wins Video Prize

You could call it Mission Impossible: Robot Library Heist. An army of flying, rolling, and climbing robots have been taught to work together to find and snatch...

Milestone For MIT Press's Bestseller
From ACM News

Milestone For MIT Press's Bestseller

On Thursday, Aug. 4, the MIT Press held a party in MIT's Stata Center to celebrate the sale of the 500,000th copy of the textbook Introduction to Algorithms....

Software Predicted Virus Risk in California Epidemic
From ACM TechNews

Software Predicted Virus Risk in California Epidemic

Brown University researchers have developed DYCAST, a computerized epidemiological model that was able to predict the spread of the West Nile virus in California...
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