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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Asia's Fastest Supercomputer Keys 3D Animation
From ACM News

Asia's Fastest Supercomputer Keys 3D Animation

Eka, the fastest supercomputer in Asia today, is a firm pillar of the 3D animation scene in Pune, India. With peak powers of 172 TeraFlops, Eka was used in the...

U.S. Simulation Superiority Slips
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Simulation Superiority Slips

Today's  supercomputers require programming skills that too few U.S. researchers have to produce advanced computer simulations, and affordable computers and committed...

From ICT Results

Tough Times For Complex Systems: A Modernization Story

A European project has just released a prototype of a software engineering platform that could help companies save time, money and energy as they scramble to upgrade...

Swine Flu: Statistical Model Predicts U.S. Cases
From ACM TechNews

Swine Flu: Statistical Model Predicts U.S. Cases

Indiana University informatics professor Alessandro Vespignani says that two recently developed swine influenza models predict a worst-case scenario of 1,000 cases...

Cornell Maps the World's Photos
From ACM TechNews

Cornell Maps the World's Photos

Computer science researchers at the Cornell University used a supercomputer to download and analyze almost 35 million photographs, taken by more than 300,000 photographers...

­.n. Launches Library of World's Knowledge
From ACM TechNews

­.n. Launches Library of World's Knowledge

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has officially launched the World Digital Library, an Internet-based library that...

Cloud Computing: Changing the Way We Work
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Computing: Changing the Way We Work

Cloud computing has the potential to create irreversible changes in how computers are used around the world, says David Carrera, director of the Cloud Computing...

Bamboo Keyboards Expect to Bring Green Life to Computer ­sers
From ACM News

Bamboo Keyboards Expect to Bring Green Life to Computer ­sers

A company in China said it has developed a bamboo keyboard that is gaining popularity among eco-friendly consumers in Europe and North America. Jiangqiao Bamboo...

Argonne Works to Reduce Supercomputer's Electricity Requirement
From ACM News

Argonne Works to Reduce Supercomputer's Electricity Requirement

Cooling a supercomputer consumes more electricity than is required to run the machine, even machines as powerful as the IBM Blue Gene/P — called Intrepid — at the...

From ACM TechNews

Yahoo! Partners With Top Universities to Advance Cloud Computing Research

Yahoo! has expanded its partnerships with top U.S. universities to advance cloud computing research. The University of California at Berkeley, Cornell University...

World's Most Efficient Supercomputer Gets to Work
From ACM TechNews

World's Most Efficient Supercomputer Gets to Work

The new Fujitsu FX1 supercomputer in Japan has a peak performance of 110.6 teraflops, making it the most powerful machine in Japan and the most efficient supercomputer...

From ACM TechNews

Rti Sponsors Hpc Adoption Conference

The 2009 High-Performance Computing Adoption Conference will be held May 11-13 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel. The three-day event will define...

Google's Power Play
From ACM TechNews

Google's Power Play

Google and General Electric (GE) have teamed up on an ambitious project to transform the United States' energy production infrastructure from a model characterized...

From ACM TechNews

Methodology Lowers Embedded Systems Development Costs

Research institutions in Europe have created a uniform methodology for developing embedded systems that lowers costs and improves quality. The methodology includes...

From ICT Results

Grid Gives Europe a Supercomputing Boost

What’s faster than the speediest supercomputer? How about a high-speed grid linking 12 world-class supercomputers? That’s what a European research consortium has...

From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Program Pairs Computing With Public Service

The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) has spun off a course on using technology to solve real-world problems into a new program called Computing for...

Cloud Computing Meets Star Production Demands
From ACM News

Cloud Computing Meets Star Production Demands

The advantages of cloud computing were dramatically illustrated last week by researchers working on the STAR nuclear physics experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's...

Architects Compose Symphony of Computing Services
From ACM News

Architects Compose Symphony of Computing Services

Web services are finding homes in a growing number of applications, from e-learning to manufacturing. But the IT industry's rush to meet demand for services has...

Inside Hp Labs: 8 Cool Projects
From ACM TechNews

Inside Hp Labs: 8 Cool Projects

Hewlett-Packard Labs is hosting a number of research projects, including one on sustainable data centers that aims to determine how future data centers can be self...

Nasa Applies Gis to Its Inner Spaces
From ACM TechNews

Nasa Applies Gis to Its Inner Spaces

The geographic information systems (GIS) team at NASA's Langley Research Center has developed the Space Allocation Optimization tool, a program that uses geospatial...
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