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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

In a Video Game, Tackling the Complexities of Protein Folding

In a match that pitted video game players against the best known computer program designed for the task, the gamers outperformed the software in figuring out...

Why Sex?
From ACM News

Why Sex?

Computer science proposes a new solution to one of evolutionary theory's oldest problems.

From ACM News

New Focus For Digital Photography

Software that gives users more control of a camera could revolutionize photography.

To Pack a Stadium, Provide Video Better Than Tv
From ACM News

To Pack a Stadium, Provide Video Better Than Tv

How do you keep football fans as regular visitors to stadiums when the television coverage of every play is so good?

A Smoother Street View
From ACM News

A Smoother Street View

Microsoft's new toy allows for a more seamless walk down an online avenue.

From ACM News

So Many Bugs, So Little Time

Tools that find serious bugs automatically could lead to safer, more stable software.

Perfecting Synthetic Sounds For Animated Worlds
From ACM News

Perfecting Synthetic Sounds For Animated Worlds

If computers can generate the imagery in animated movies like Toy Story 3 and Despicable Me, why can't they also generate the sound effects to go with them?

From ACM News

Bringing Data Mining into the Mainstream

Plumbing the world’s ever-growing pools of digitized information—on the Web, in corporate databases, generated by scientific research—for wisdom and profit is a...

Saving Lives at Rail Crossings
From ACM TechNews

Saving Lives at Rail Crossings

La Trobe University researchers have developed a wireless system that enables cars and trains to communicate with each other and avoid collisions at rail crossings...

New Languages, and Why We Need Them
From ACM News

New Languages, and Why We Need Them

Creators of two dozen new programming languages—some designed to enable powerful new Web applications and mobile devices—presented their work last week in Portland...

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato
From Communications of the ACM

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato

The PLATO@50 Conference marked the semicentennial of the computer system that was the forerunner of today's social media and interactive education.

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior
From Communications of the ACM

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior

Data captured by sensors worn on the human body and analyzed in near real-time could transform our understanding of human behavior, health, and society.

3-D Gesture-Based Interaction System ­nveiled
From ACM TechNews

3-D Gesture-Based Interaction System ­nveiled

Fraunhofer FIT has developed a next generation touch system that enables users to interact with objects on a display without making physical contact. 

Predicting Success With Niwa Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Predicting Success With Niwa Supercomputer

New Zealand's National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research has launched the most powerful computer in the southern hemisphere. The new supercomputer can...

From ACM News

Where Will All This Oil Be in August?

As government officials continue to nervously monitor the cap on the Deepwater Horizon well, there are still millions of barrels of oil oozing around in the Gulf...

From ACM News

Working to Make Combat Soldiers' Lives Easier

In combat, things can be so chaotic and loud that soldiers sometimes aren't even aware they're being shot at.

A Trip Beyond the Edge of the Observable Universe
From ACM News

A Trip Beyond the Edge of the Observable Universe

If you want to see what outer space looks like, there may be no better way to do so than to have Carter Emmart take you on a ride there.

Researchers Create Sounds of Animated Things Breaking
From ACM News

Researchers Create Sounds of Animated Things Breaking

A delicate wine glass shatters on the floor. A rock is thrown through a window. A child smashes his piggy bank. Dramatic moments like these in an animated movie...

Cutting-Edge Medical Imaging System Will Employ Night Vision Technology
From ACM News

Cutting-Edge Medical Imaging System Will Employ Night Vision Technology

UTHealth has reached an agreement with other institutions that will allow it to take the next step in commercially developing an innovative medical imaging system...

From ACM TechNews

Taking Computer Games Into the Future

Computing experts from the University of Essex, Imperial College, and the University of Bradford are working to make artificial intelligence smarter, which will...
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