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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robot Eel Reveals How the Fish Swim So Efficiently
From ACM TechNews

Robot Eel Reveals How the Fish Swim So Efficiently

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne have developed a waterproof, eel-like robot that can undulate in several different patterns.

Jury Finds Google's App Store Broke Anti-Monopoly Laws
From ACM News

Jury Finds Google's App Store Broke Anti-Monopoly Laws

In a landmark decision, Epic Games won its lawsuit against the search giant.

Engineers Design Robotic Replica of the Heart's Right Chamber
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Design Robotic Replica of the Heart's Right Chamber

Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a robotic replica of the heart’s right ventricle.

Samet Honored with ACM SIGSPATIAL Lifetime Impact Award
From ACM TechNews

Samet Honored with ACM SIGSPATIAL Lifetime Impact Award

Hanan Samet was honored with the inaugural Lifetime Impact Award from ACM’s Special Interest Group on Spatial Information (SIGSPATIAL).

Bitcoin Mining Used More Water Than New York City Last Year
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin Mining Used More Water Than New York City Last Year

A study found that water use by bitcoin miners hit 591 billion gallons so far this year, up from 415 billion gallons in 2021.

Drones Protect Wind Turbines from Ice
From ACM TechNews

Drones Protect Wind Turbines from Ice

Researchers developed a method to protect wind turbines from ice using drones.

A Drone with Ears
From ACM TechNews

A Drone with Ears

Researchers developed a microphone array that can be added to drones, along with cameras, to help locate disaster victims.

Network of Robots Monitors Pipes Using Acoustic Wave Sensors
From ACM TechNews

Network of Robots Monitors Pipes Using Acoustic Wave Sensors

Researchers showed that guided acoustic wave sensors can enable networks of independent robots to inspect large pipe structures for defects.

Magnetic Revolution: Diamonds and Rust Rewrite Physics Textbooks
From ACM News

Magnetic Revolution: Diamonds and Rust Rewrite Physics Textbooks

The researchers observed that magnetic monopoles in hematite emerge through the collective behavior of many spins (the angular momentum of a particle).

Researchers Taught an Algorithm to 'Taste'
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Taught an Algorithm to 'Taste'

Scientists taught an algorithm to better predict an individual's tastes in wines.

A Simpler Means for Visible Light Communication
From ACM TechNews

A Simpler Means for Visible Light Communication

Researchers at China's Nanchang University have developed a visible light communication (VLC) equalizer based on a single-order circuit.

Using LLMs to Code New Tasks for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Using LLMs to Code New Tasks for Robots

A research team developed a tool that uses large language models to code new tasks for robots, which it then simulates.

Cybersecurity Protects Food, Agriculture
From ACM News

Cybersecurity Protects Food, Agriculture

Protecting the U.S. food supply from cyberattack.

Crowdsourced Feedback Helps Train Robots
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourced Feedback Helps Train Robots

A reinforcement learning approach trains robots using crowdsourced feedback from nonexpert users.

Photonic Chip 'Fits Together Like Lego'
From ACM TechNews

Photonic Chip 'Fits Together Like Lego'

A new compact silicon photonic semiconductor chip significantly expands radio-frequency (RF) bandwidth.

Robot Can Tidy Up Clothes in a Messy Bedroom
From ACM TechNews

Robot Can Tidy Up Clothes in a Messy Bedroom

Ken Goldberg at the University of California, Berkeley, and colleagues developed a robot system to efficiently pick up strewn clothes.

AI Detects Methane Plumes from Space
From ACM TechNews

AI Detects Methane Plumes from Space

A new machine learning tool uses data from hyperspectral satellites to automatically detect methane plumes from space.

Immersive Engagement in Mixed Reality Measured with Reaction Time
From ACM TechNews

Immersive Engagement in Mixed Reality Measured with Reaction Time

University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers found that reaction time potentially could be used to measure presence (immersive engagement) with mixed reality...

Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter
From ACM News

Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter

Built-in content credentials verifies photos' authenticity.

Canadian Government Reaches Deal with Google on Online News Act
From ACM News

Canadian Government Reaches Deal with Google on Online News Act

The agreement comes three weeks before the Online News Act rules come into force.
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