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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Digging Deep Into Diamonds
From ACM TechNews

Digging Deep Into Diamonds

Harvard University researchers have created diamond-based nanowire devices that offer a bright, stable source of single photons at room temperature, which is an...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Experimental Processor Adapts to Environmental Challenges on the Fly

Intel has created a microprocessor that is capable of delivering its specified throughput without requiring any reserve cycles to account for dips in power, changes...

New Fiber Nanogenerators Could Lead to Electric Clothing
From ACM TechNews

New Fiber Nanogenerators Could Lead to Electric Clothing

University of California, Berkeley researchers have created energy-scavenging nanofibers that can be woven into clothing and textiles. The nano-sized generators...

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0
From ACM News

DARPA Looks to Build Real-Life C3p0

Right now, troops trying to listen in on enemy chatter rely on a convoluted process. They tune into insurgency radio frequencies, then hand the radio over to local...

From ACM News

A Faster Wireless Web

Transfers of large amounts of data across the Internet to wireless devices suffer from a key problem: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used to send and receive...

­.s. Networks and Power Grid ­nder (mock) Cyber-Attack
From ACM News

­.s. Networks and Power Grid ­nder (mock) Cyber-Attack

Unknown hackers have taken out U.S. cellphone networks in an ongoing cyber-attack that will soon knock out parts of the nation's electricity grid – say the officials...

Nasa: Robots 'essential' to Endeavour Mission's Success
From ACM TechNews

Nasa: Robots 'essential' to Endeavour Mission's Success

Robots have a vital role on the space shuttle Endeavour's mission to install two new pieces of the International Space Station. Robotics technology is a critical...

From ACM News

Sensor Exploits Traditional Weakness of Nano Devices

By taking advantage of a phenomenon that until now has been a virtual showstopper for electronics designers, a team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Panos...

Despite Glitches, Electronics Make Cars Safer
From ACM TechNews

Despite Glitches, Electronics Make Cars Safer

Future cars will have even more complex electronics and robotic-like control systems that monitor driving conditions and assist drivers, but experts say that will...

From ACM TechNews

Berkeley Discusses Progress in Parallel Programming

University of California, Berkeley researchers recently discussed their progress in finding new parallel programming models for multicore processor architectures...

Researchers Envision High-Tech Applications For 'multiferroic' Crystals
From ACM News

Researchers Envision High-Tech Applications For 'multiferroic' Crystals

Two of Florida State University's most accomplished scientists' recent collaborative research project has yielded results that could lay the groundwork for future...

From ACM TechNews

Organic Crystals Promise Low-Power Green Computing

Researchers at Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology have discovered ferroelectric behavior in crystalline croconic acid, which...

From ACM News

Feds Push For Tracking Cell Phones

Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with aconvicted...

From ACM News

Ibm's Jeopardy-Playing Machine Now Beats Human Contestants

IBM's Jeopardy-playing supercomputer is now capable of beating human Jeopardy contestants on a regular basis, but has a ways to go before it takes on the likes...

Wi-Fi at the Speed of Light
From ACM News

Wi-Fi at the Speed of Light

A wireless network that uses reflected infrared light instead of radio waves has transmitted data through the air at a speed of one gigabit per second—six to 14...

Google Set to Showcase Fast Internet
From ACM News

Google Set to Showcase Fast Internet

Google said Wednesday that it would offer ultrahigh-speed Internet access in some communities in a test that could showcase the kinds of things that would be possible...

Dash to the Next Gen of Robots: Small, Cheap, and Feral
From ACM TechNews

Dash to the Next Gen of Robots: Small, Cheap, and Feral

The University of California, Berkeley's Biomimetic Millisystems Lab has developed the Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod (DASH), a small, inexpensive, and highly...

Princeton Scientists Makes a Leap in Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Princeton Scientists Makes a Leap in Quantum Computing

Princeton University professor Jason Petta has developed a technique that can control the properties of a lone electron, a feat that is essential to the development...

A 50-Watt Cellular Network
From ACM News

A 50-Watt Cellular Network

An Indian telecom company is deploying simple cell phone base stations that need as little as 50 watts of solar-provided power. It will soon announce plans to sell...

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion
From ACM News

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion

If wireless operators thought they'd faced a deluge of data traffic from the iPhone, they haven't seen anything yet, according to a survey from network equipment...
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