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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Xerox Claims Breakthrough in Printable Circuitry
From ACM TechNews

Xerox Claims Breakthrough in Printable Circuitry

Xerox says it has developed a new form of silver ink that aligns its molecules to conduct electricity more efficiently. The breakthrough enables electronics to...

The Past, Present and Future of AI
From ACM TechNews

The Past, Present and Future of AI

The idea that fully-fledged artificial intelligence (AI) — thinking machines that could mimic human intelligence precisely — would be realized by the year 2000...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Claims Memory Research Milestone

Intel and Numonyx recently announced a breakthrough in computer memory research that they say could eventually result in a less expensive and better-performing...

MIT Researchers Developing Robotic Driving Companion
From ACM TechNews

MIT Researchers Developing Robotic Driving Companion

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are developing the Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA), a robot that would act as a helpful...

Defense ­niversity Builds China's Fastest Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Defense ­niversity Builds China's Fastest Supercomputer

China's National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) has unveiled the Tianhe supercomputer, the fastest supercomputer in China. Tianhe runs at 563.1 teraflops...

­c Researchers Create All-Electric Spintronics
From ACM TechNews

­c Researchers Create All-Electric Spintronics

University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have developed a way to control an electron's spin orientation using only electrical means. Previous methods to develop...

From ACM TechNews

Science at the Petascale: Roadrunner Results ­nveiled

Roadrunner, housed at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), recently completed its initial shakedown phase while performing accelerated petascale computer modeling...

From ACM News

DARPA Looks to Send the Internet Into Orbit

There’ve been satellites orbiting Earth for half a century. But getting information to and from them is still a pain. Which is why Pentagon research arm Darpa is...

Silicon-Air Battery: Non-Stop Power For Thousands of Hours
From ACM News

Silicon-Air Battery: Non-Stop Power For Thousands of Hours

Scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a new, environmentally friendly silicon-air battery capable of supplying non-stop power...

Embedded Design
From ICT Results

Embedded Design

Embedded computer systems must be fast and efficient. A European consortium has created a new modelling framework that lets designers strike the best balance between...

Robot Integrates Audio, Visual Data
From ICT Results

Robot Integrates Audio, Visual Data

European researchers developed technology that enables a robot to combine data from both sound and vision to create combined, purposeful perception. In the process...

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality
From ACM News

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality

In the not-too-distant future, it might be possible to slip on a pair of augmented-reality (AR) goggles instead of fumbling with a manual while trying to repair...

From ACM TechNews

Google Envisions 10 Million Servers

The computer industry had an opportunity to learn about the technical details of Google's infrastructure during LADIS 2009, ACM's recent SIGOPS International Workshop...

Smartphone Security Threats Likely to Rise
From ACM News

Smartphone Security Threats Likely to Rise

Internet security experts say that worms, spam, viruses and hackers could be well on their way into your smartphone, whose rising popularity makes them sweeter...

Parallel Course
From ACM News

Parallel Course

In 1995, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about 100 megahertz. Seven years later, in 2002, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about three gigahertz...

From ACM TechNews

Vulnerability Seen in Amazon's Cloud-Computing

A new study by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) suggests that leading cloud-computing...

From ACM TechNews

Material That Could Boost Data Storage, Save Energy

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a new material that would enable a fingernail-sized computer chip to store a terabyte of data. The breakthrough...

Skiing Robot Navigates Slalom Courses
From ACM News

Skiing Robot Navigates Slalom Courses

Bojan Nemec from the Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia recently presented his skiing robot at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems...

Cheetah, Gecko and Spiders Inspire Robotic Designs
From ACM TechNews

Cheetah, Gecko and Spiders Inspire Robotic Designs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Sangbae Kim is trying to replicate the mechanisms used by animals in robotics. Kim says the animal kingdom provides...

Computers Have Speed Limit as ­nbreakable as Speed of Light, Say Physicists
From ACM TechNews

Computers Have Speed Limit as ­nbreakable as Speed of Light, Say Physicists

Boston University physicists Lev Levitin and Tommaso Toffoli have demonstrated that if processors continue to improve in accordance with Moore's Law, an unbreakable...
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