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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Wireless Future of Energy Transfer
From ACM News

The Wireless Future of Energy Transfer

The electronic revolution of the past century has been a tangled affair. Remember when phones were always wired into the wall? When the Internet required one more...

From ACM News

Sensors For Tracking Home Water ­se

When a cell phone or credit-card bill arrives, each call or purchase is itemized, making it possible to track trends in calling or spending. Within the next few...

Icann Hires Former Cybersecurity Chief as New Ceo
From ACM TechNews

Icann Hires Former Cybersecurity Chief as New Ceo

Rod Beckstrom, the former director of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity Center, has been chosen to replace Paul Twomey as the CEO...

Human-Like Vision Lets Robots Navigate Naturally
From ICT Results

Human-Like Vision Lets Robots Navigate Naturally

A robotic vision system that mimics key visual functions of the human brain promises to let robots maneuver quickly and safely through cluttered environments, and...

Computer Failures Are Probed in Jet Crash
From ACM TechNews

Computer Failures Are Probed in Jet Crash

Aviation investigators looking for a cause of the crash of Air France Flight 447 believe that a rapid chain of computer and equipment failures may have stripped...

Radar Will Improve Agents' Tunnel Vision
From ACM News

Radar Will Improve Agents' Tunnel Vision

Of every tunnel ever discovered by U.S. border patrol agents,  "all of them have been found by accident or human intelligence," said Ed Turner, a project manager...

Less Fuss, More Muscle in Quantum Data Transfer
From ACM TechNews

Less Fuss, More Muscle in Quantum Data Transfer

Australian National University (ANU) researchers have discovered a more efficient way to use light to convey information. The approach to generating quantum entanglement...

Master of Connections
From Communications of the ACM

Master of Connections

Jon Kleinberg is honored for his pioneering research on the Web and social networking.

Liskov's Creative Joy
From Communications of the ACM

Liskov's Creative Joy

Barbara Liskov muses about the creative process of problem solving, finding the perfect design point, and pursuing a research path.

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?
From Communications of the ACM

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?

Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe it might be affecting people's ability to think deeply.

Contemporary Approaches to Fault Tolerance
From Communications of the ACM

Contemporary Approaches to Fault Tolerance

Thanks to computer scientists like Barbara Liskov, researchers are making major progress with cost-efficient fault tolerance for Web-based systems.

From ACM TechNews

Cifellows Status Report

The Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows) Project has received 526 applications for CIFellowships from 145 distinct colleges and universities. The applications...

­nderwater Robots Identify Potential Threats in Murky Waters
From ACM News

­nderwater Robots Identify Potential Threats in Murky Waters

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University has received $2 million from the U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, to continue...

Rfid Examined as Shoplifting Prevention Technology
From ACM News

Rfid Examined as Shoplifting Prevention Technology

Shoplifting in retail outlets is an increasing problem that creates an estimated annual retail deficit of more than $30 billion, but RFID technology can help to...

Iranian Protesters Avoid Censorship With Navy Technology
From ACM TechNews

Iranian Protesters Avoid Censorship With Navy Technology

Some Iranian protestors dissatisfied with their government's response to the disputed election are using The Onion Router (TOR), an Internet encryption program...

From ACM News

­k Looks to Young Geeks to Secure Cyberspace

Britain is hiring former computer hackers to join a new security unit aimed at protecting cyberspace from foreign spies, thieves and terrorists, the country's terrorism...

One-Stop Shop For Grid Computing
From ICT Results

One-Stop Shop For Grid Computing

From searching for cures for disease to monitoring the Earth's atmosphere, grid computing has become essential to data-intensive research. But accessing limited...

From ACM TechNews

'secret' Questions Leave Accounts Vulnerable

The secret questions some Web sites ask new users to answer for verification purposes in case a password is forgotten are actually far less secure and far easier...

Traveling the Web Together
From ACM TechNews

Traveling the Web Together

Researchers from the College of William & Mary have developed real-time collaborative browsing (RCB) software that makes it easier for users to interact with each...

U.s. Creates Military Command For Cyber Battlefield
From ACM News

U.s. Creates Military Command For Cyber Battlefield

The U.S. military announced a new "cyber command" designed to wage digital warfare and to bolster defenses against mounting threats to its computer networks. Defense...
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