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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases
From Communications of the ACM

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases

Power-saving processor algorithms have the potential to create significant energy and cost savings.

Supercomputers Increase Research Competitiveness
From ACM News

Supercomputers Increase Research Competitiveness

Consistent investment in high-performance computing leads to greater research competitiveness for U.S. academic institutions, according to a new study on the impact...

For Robust Robots, Let Them Be Babies First
From ACM News

For Robust Robots, Let Them Be Babies First

A University of Vermont scientist has created robots that change their body forms while learning how to walk, like tadpoles becoming frogs. These evolving robots...

Fruit Fly Nervous System Provides Insight to Computer Network Problem
From ACM TechNews

Fruit Fly Nervous System Provides Insight to Computer Network Problem

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon and Tel Aviv universities are drawing on inspiration from a fruit fly's nervous system to develop models for distributed computer...

From ACM TechNews

Euclid Brings New Computing Capabilities to UW-Madison Researchers

With a peak performance of about 19 teraflops, the University of Wisconsin-Madison's new computing resource, the Euclid cluster, can run large-scale computing projects...

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication
From ACM News

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication

Two groups of physicists have managed to shift the quantum entanglement between two photons onto an entangled state between one photon and a quantum memor.

Ut Professor Leads World Effort in Developing Next Generation of Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Ut Professor Leads World Effort in Developing Next Generation of Supercomputers

University of Tennessee, Knoxville's Jack Dongarra says that exascale supercomputers are needed to solve problems in the economy, engineering, and manufacturing...

Coiled Nanowires May Hold Key to Stretchable Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Coiled Nanowires May Hold Key to Stretchable Electronics

North Carolina State University researchers have created coils of silicon nanowire on a substrate that can be stretched to more than twice their size, a development...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Says Light Peak Interconnect Technology Is Ready

Intel's high-speed Light Peak interconnect technology, which links PCs to displays and external storage devices, is ready for implementation, says Intel's David...

Dirac Testbed Reveals How Applications Are Written
From ACM TechNews

Dirac Testbed Reveals How Applications Are Written

Graphics processing units (GPUs) are increasingly being used in high-performance computing, but there is a question of whether GPUs offer an effective solution...

Cockroach Inspires Robotic Hand to Get a Grip
From ACM TechNews

Cockroach Inspires Robotic Hand to Get a Grip

Harvard University researcher Robert D. Howe and Yale University professor Aaron Dollar have developed a robotic hand, based on the legs of a cockroach, that is...

Metamorphosis Key to Creating Stable Walking Robots
From ACM TechNews

Metamorphosis Key to Creating Stable Walking Robots

A study to find the quickest way to evolve walking behaviors in virtual robots was conducted by University of Vermont researcher Josh Bongard. He ran simulations...

Scaling ­p: The Future of Nanoscience
From ACM News

Scaling ­p: The Future of Nanoscience

Four prominent scientists—David Awschalom of UCSB; Angela Belcher of MIT; Donald Eigler of IBM Almaden Research Center; and Michael Roukes of Caltech—discuss the...

Epitaxial Graphene Shows Promise For Replacing Silicon in Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Epitaxial Graphene Shows Promise For Replacing Silicon in Electronics

Georgia Tech researchers recently created an array of 10,000 top-gated transistors on a 0.24-square centimeter chip, believed to be the highest density graphene...

From ACM TechNews

European Exascale Project Drives Toward Next Supercomputing Milestone

The goal of the European Exascale Software Initiative (EESI) is to help effect the migration from petascale to exascale systems over the next 10 years by bringing...

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers

Many computer scientists say the High-Performance Linpack test is not the best performance measurement for the world's top supercomputers. The new Graph500 benchmark...

From ACM TechNews

Biological Evolution Gives Cues to Stronger Computer Software

The universities of Virginia and New Mexico recently received a $3.2 million U.S. DARPA grant to develop more resilient software systems based on the biological...

From ACM TechNews

Nanowriting a Big Step in Electronics

The ability to write metal lines that are less than 5 nanometers wide has been demonstrated by a University of Illinois research team, and this could impact the...

From ACM TechNews

Graphics Ability Is the New Goal For Chip Makers

Computer chip makers will highlight the improved visual performance of their technology at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. 

The Surprising ­sefulness of Sloppy Arithmetic
From ACM News

The Surprising ­sefulness of Sloppy Arithmetic

A computer chip that performs imprecise calculations could process some types of data thousands of times more efficiently than existing chips.
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