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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Hybrid System of Human-Machine Interaction

Florida Atlantic University (FAU) scientists have developed Virtual Partner Interaction (VPI), a hybrid system capable of examining real-time interactions between...

From ACM TechNews

New Exotic Material Could Revolutionize Electronics

Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have discovered that the compound bismuth telluride acts...

Isuppli: Gear Costs to Derail Moore's Law in 2014
From ACM TechNews

Isuppli: Gear Costs to Derail Moore's Law in 2014

Market research firm ISuppli predicts Moore's Law will end after 2014 due to the high cost of chip manufacturing equipment. The market research firm expects advances...

Ibm Marks Breakthrough in Molecular Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Ibm Marks Breakthrough in Molecular Electronics

IBM scientists have succeeded in measuring the charge state of individual atoms using non-contact atomic force microscopy, which could have a major impact on molecular...

Vinton Cerf: Outer Space Could be Next Frontier for Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

Vinton Cerf: Outer Space Could be Next Frontier for Cybersecurity

NASA and Google Internet evangelist Vinton Cerf are currently testing an extraterrestrial Internet that could lead to technology for use in securing ad hoc networks...

Virtual Power Plants Could Tame Coming Grid Chaos
From ACM News

Virtual Power Plants Could Tame Coming Grid Chaos

Fears over energy security and climate change have led to record investment in renewable energy. But a major problem threatens to stall progress towards a more...

Looking to Nature For Smarter Software Systems
From ACM TechNews

Looking to Nature For Smarter Software Systems

Mike Hinchey, the director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory and co-director of the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, says that software engineering...

Graphene Shows Promise For Future Ic Interconnects
From ACM News

Graphene Shows Promise For Future Ic Interconnects

The unique properties of thin layers of graphite — known as graphene — make the material attractive for a wide range of potential electronic devices. Researchers...

Memory with a Twist: Nist Develops a Flexible Memristor
From ACM News

Memory with a Twist: Nist Develops a Flexible Memristor

Electronic memory chips may soon gain the ability to bend and twist as a result of work by engineers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)...

From ACM News

Towards the Ultimate Transistor

In 1974 Ari Aviram and Mark Ratner from the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in New York suggested using molecules themselves as electronic components. In the...

Contractors Vie For Plum Work, Hacking For U.s.
From ACM News

Contractors Vie For Plum Work, Hacking For U.s.

The U.S. government’s urgent push into cyberwarfare has set off a rush among the biggest military companies for billions of dollars in new defense contracts. The...

From ACM TechNews

Personal Discrimination on the Web

Researchers in India and Japan say they have discovered an automatic way of differentiating between Web sites that express personal opinions and corporate marketing...

From ACM TechNews

New Memory Material May Hold Data For One Billion Years

Alex Zettl and colleagues say enclosing an iron nanoparticle in a hollow carbon nanotube could serve as the foundation for a memory material for the next generation...

Europe's Fastest Computer ­nveiled in Julich
From ACM TechNews

Europe's Fastest Computer ­nveiled in Julich

The German supercomputing center in Julich has added three supercomputers, including the fastest machine in Europe. The new supercomputer at Forschungszentrum Julich...

Robot Warriors Will Get a Guide to Ethics
From ACM TechNews

Robot Warriors Will Get a Guide to Ethics

Georgia Institute of Technology professor Ronald Arkin is developing what he calls "ethical governor" software and hardware that will tell military robots when...

How to Find Bugs in Giant Software Programs
From ACM TechNews

How to Find Bugs in Giant Software Programs

University of Calgiari researcher Michele Marchesi and colleagues have developed a way that software developers can allocate resources to error correction. Marchesi...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Aim For Cloud Standard

The development of a framework for building cloud computing infrastructure could improve high-performance computing services from the Internet to multiple clients...

From ACM TechNews

ACM Group Honors Researchers Whose Zig-Zag Graph Aids Computer Network Designs

ACM's Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computing Theory (SIGACT) and the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science have awarded the Godel Prize...

Toyota Deploys Tech Tools in Third-Generation Prius
From ACM News

Toyota Deploys Tech Tools in Third-Generation Prius

Recognizing that first-ness is a perishable commodity, Toyota has deployed an array of new technologies in its third-generation Prius hybrid aimed at cementing...

Autonomous Helicopters
From Communications of the ACM

Autonomous Helicopters

Researchers are improving unmanned helicopters' capabilities to address regulatory requirements and commercial uses.
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