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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Spies Among Us?
From Communications of the ACM

Spies Among Us?

Governments' practice of electronic surveillance—and the growing use of warrantless wiretapping—has observers deeply concerned.

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response

After 15 years of research, robots for search and rescue may be nearing prime time.

From ACM News

Maryland and Arkansas Teams Win ORNL Global Venture Challenge

Graduate students from the University of Arkansas and the University of Maryland received first place at the 2010 Global Venture Challenge that was hosted at Oak...

From ACM News

Doing Business in China Getting Tougher For U.s. Companies

China's allure is stronger than ever. But a country already known for obstacles is becoming less welcoming to foreign businesses. Some American companies are reviewing...

Funding For Wwii Code-Breaking Centre Bletchley Park
From ACM TechNews

Funding For Wwii Code-Breaking Centre Bletchley Park

The U.K. government has provided a 250,000-pound grant to repair Bletchley Park, where British mathematicians, including Alan Turing, worked to break Germany's...

Tjx Hacker Gets 20 Years in Prison
From ACM News

Tjx Hacker Gets 20 Years in Prison

Convicted TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday for leading a gang of cyberthieves who stole more than 90 million credit and...

Getting Families and Friends Together Again, Virtually
From ICT Results

Getting Families and Friends Together Again, Virtually

Digital media designed for individuals has hastened the demise of collective social events, but it could enable their revival as well.

A System That's Worth Its Salt
From ACM TechNews

A System That's Worth Its Salt

Researchers at MIT and in Korea have developed an approach to water desalination that could lead to small, portable units powered by solar cells or batteries that...

Move to Incorporate Computing in Math Curriculum
From ACM TechNews

Move to Incorporate Computing in Math Curriculum

The first official public draft of the Common Core State Standards Initiative's K-12 standards has been released. 

From ACM TechNews

3-D Haptics to Help Surgeons Feel the Cutting Edge

Deakin University robotics engineer James Mullins is leading a research effort to develop haptics technology with the goal of making a simulation as realistic as...

Gender Discrimination Linked to Poor Project Management
From ACM TechNews

Gender Discrimination Linked to Poor Project Management

A new Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology report suggests that technically oriented women may face gender discrimination in their jobs at high-tech firms...

Google's Brin Talks About China Gamble
From ACM News

Google's Brin Talks About China Gamble

 Behind Google Inc.'s dramatic decision to shutter its China-based search engine this week was co-founder Sergey Brin's change of heart about the compromises required...

Clinical Trials Now Using Social Media to Attract Trial Participants
From ACM News

Clinical Trials Now Using Social Media to Attract Trial Participants

Clinic sites in 13 cities across the U.S. are looking for men to participate in an HIV vaccine study and are using social media to help reach participants where...

Cyber Attack on U.s. Firms, Google Traced to China
From ACM News

Cyber Attack on U.s. Firms, Google Traced to China

An Obama administration official told The Washington Times the U.S. was able, with some confidence, to link the cyber attack on Google and other U.S. companies...

Sandia to Break Ground For New Computational Laboratories Building
From ACM News

Sandia to Break Ground For New Computational Laboratories Building

Sandia National Laboratories  is breaking ground for a new facility—the Combustion Research Computation and Visualization building, part of the Combustion Research...

Frank Moss: Tech to Help Those Who Can't Help Themselves
From ACM TechNews

Frank Moss: Tech to Help Those Who Can't Help Themselves

Frank Moss, head of the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says there are real opportunities in developing technology for disabled or disadvantaged...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Learning with iPhone Now Possible

Peruvian and Belgian researchers have developed an open source mobile learning application that enables health-care workers to connect to the free learning platform...

From ACM News

Uk Promises

The U.K. Government has announced the creation of the new Institute for Web Science, to be headed by World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners Lee, and leading Web...

Academic Paper in China Sets Off Alarms in ­.s.
From ACM News

Academic Paper in China Sets Off Alarms in ­.s.

Wang Jianwei, a graduate engineering student in Liaoning, China, who was described as a potential cyberwarrior before the United States Congress this month, says...

From ACM News

National Free Software Coalition Formed in India

Delegates at the National Free Software conference in Bangalore, India, announced the formation of a national coalition, the National Free Software Movement of...
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