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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Desperate, Hockey Fans Root For Virtual Team
From ACM News

Desperate, Hockey Fans Root For Virtual Team

Pat Hickey, who covered his first Montreal Canadiens game in 1968 for the now-defunct Montreal Star, and who has chronicled the team's exploits over the past 22...

Behind the Iron Dome: How Israel Stops Missiles
From ACM News

Behind the Iron Dome: How Israel Stops Missiles

The success of Israel's Iron Dome in shooting down missiles fired from Gaza has a lot to do with a company you've probably never heard of: MPrest Systems.

A Short To-Do List For Intel's Next Ceo
From ACM News

A Short To-Do List For Intel's Next Ceo

With Paul Otellini heading in May to the nearest 18-hole course, speculation is rampant about who will replace him.

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac
From ACM News

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac

Apple Inc. is exploring ways to replace Intel Corp. processors in its Mac personal computers with a version of the chip technology it uses in the iPhone and iPad...

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport
From ACM News

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport

It sounds like an air traveler's nightmare: a sophisticated software attack that allows hackers to access internal airport computer systems and manipulate data...

Dinner and a Robot: My Night Out With a Pr2
From ACM News

Dinner and a Robot: My Night Out With a Pr2

On Wednesday night I had the pleasure of dining at the exclusive Willow Garage in Menlo Park, Calif.

Why Apple Will Turn to Holograms
From ACM News

Why Apple Will Turn to Holograms

Look around your office hallway or college campus and you'll see people holding interactive panes of glass.

Apple Warms Up to Hackers, Plans Presentation at Black Hat
From ACM News

Apple Warms Up to Hackers, Plans Presentation at Black Hat

In the 15 years that computer hackers have gathered in Las Vegas for the Black Hat conference, an event where unknowns can become stars and tech heavyweights are...

In Silicon Valley, Hardware Is Hot Again
From ACM Careers

In Silicon Valley, Hardware Is Hot Again

Since the mid-1990s Liam Casey, PCH International's chief executive officer, has helped technology companies with the nastiest task in Silicon Valley: building...

'Adaptive Radio': The Next Big Thing in Wireless?
From ACM News

'Adaptive Radio': The Next Big Thing in Wireless?

James Collier is loping in a broad circle on the Midsummer Common in Cambridge, England, holding aloft a two-foot fiberglass antenna.

Daniela Rus's Robotic Sand
From ACM News

Daniela Rus's Robotic Sand

History holds lessons, even for those designing futuristic robots.

High-Speed Trading: My Laser Is Faster Than Your Laser
From ACM News

High-Speed Trading: My Laser Is Faster Than Your Laser

According to its New Jersey-based operator, Hibernia Atlantic, the $300 million Project Express will be 5.2 milliseconds faster than the AC-1, with an execution...

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!
From ACM News

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!

Big defense budgets during the aughts financed the deployment of thousands of robots, including unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, to Iraq and Afghanistan...

From ACM News

Garmin Finds a New Direction

In the pantheon of seemingly obsolete technologies, automobile navigation devices might seem ready to join laser discs and pagers.

Commercial Drones: A Dogfight at the Faa
From ACM News

Commercial Drones: A Dogfight at the Faa

Last fall, Russ Freeman's successful business shooting commercial aerial photos and video flew straight into a political battle over control of the nation's skies...

From ACM News

Steve Ballmer Reboots

They had his dining room waiting. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive and one of the richest men in the world, often eats privately at a Bellevue (Wash.)...

John Rogers's Bendable Microprocessors
From ACM News

John Rogers's Bendable Microprocessors

John Rogers was in his lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign six years ago, testing new ways to make electronic circuits, when one of his team...
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