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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A 50-Watt Cellular Network
From ACM News

A 50-Watt Cellular Network

An Indian telecom company is deploying simple cell phone base stations that need as little as 50 watts of solar-provided power. It will soon announce plans to sell...

Searching For Disease Clues in Genetic Diversity
From ACM News

Searching For Disease Clues in Genetic Diversity

Over the last few years, scientists have discovered hundreds of genetic variants linked to disease. But the vast majority of that research has focused on people...

What's Inside the Ipad's Chip?
From ACM News

What's Inside the Ipad's Chip?

Despite widespread speculation, nothing beyond what Steve Jobs announced last week is known about the A4 chip at the heart of the Apple iPad. Jobs described the...

From ACM News

Trading Shares in Milliseconds

Today's stock market has become a world of automated transactions executed at lightning speed. This high-frequency trading could make the financial system more...

Wireless Network Modded to See Through Walls
From ACM News

Wireless Network Modded to See Through Walls

The way signal strength varies in a wireless network can reveal what's going on behind closed doors. It's every schoolboy's dream: an easy way of looking through...

From ACM TechNews

How to Build Anonymity Into the Internet

At the 9th annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, security researchers discussed alternatives to existing systems designed to help Internet users maintain...

Hackers Game a Multiplayer World
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Game a Multiplayer World

Two programmers have hacked the World of Warcraft online game environment with a set of programs that automate in-game characters, which game developer Blizzard...

From ACM TechNews

RFID's Security Problem

New U.S. passport cards and driver's licenses issued by Washington and New York state are designed to enable U.S. citizens to cross international borders more efficiently...
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