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subjectComputers And Society

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Pentagon Seeks Tight Ties With Cyber Contractors
From ACM News

Pentagon Seeks Tight Ties With Cyber Contractors

The U.S. Department of Defense aims to tighten ties with its cyber security contractors in an effort to better protect sensitive computer networks against growing...

From ACM News

Internet Said to Speed Development For Poor Nations

Internet technology drives economic growth and enables poor countries to develop at a faster pace than rich nations did, Cisco Chief Executive John Chambers,...

Google Faces Pressure As China to Decide on License
From ACM News

Google Faces Pressure As China to Decide on License

Google Inc. could face further pressure for its other products in China as Beijing is due to decide whether or not to renew a license for the firm's flagship search...

'digital Genome' Safeguards Dying Data Formats
From ACM TechNews

'digital Genome' Safeguards Dying Data Formats

European researchers have deposited a "digital genome" time capsule inside a data storage facility known as the Swiss Fort Knox, which contains a blueprint that...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Struggles to Ward Off Evolving Cyber Threat

U.S. Department of Defense official James Miller says authorities have failed to stay ahead of the cyberattacks, which have resulted in the loss of an enormous...

From ACM TechNews

German It Body

Finding young women to fill tech jobs continues to be a problem for the German information technology (IT) industry, according to a new study from German technology...

China in Consultations With Google to Resolve Dispute
From ACM News

China in Consultations With Google to Resolve Dispute

China is in consultations with technology giant Google to resolve its dispute with the company, which has threatened to abandon the Chinese market over hacking...

Chinese Schools Quietly Discard Controversial Web Filter
From ACM News

Chinese Schools Quietly Discard Controversial Web Filter

Schools in Beijing are quietly removing the Green Dam filter, which was required for all school computers in July, due to complaints over problems with the software...

Web Tools Help Protect Human Rights Activists
From ACM TechNews

Web Tools Help Protect Human Rights Activists

A new generation of Internet privacy tools is being developed to prevent governments from gathering data, such as where users access the Internet from. One tool...

Eu ­rges Icann Independence
From ACM TechNews

Eu ­rges Icann Independence

ICANN should become completely independent of the U.S. government, says EU Information Society commissioner Viviane Reding. In a statement regarding the Oct. 1...

From ACM TechNews

Talking in Color: Voice Imaging Helps Social Skills

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign computer scientist Karrie Karahalios has developed a technique to digitize conversations and represent them as images...

From ACM TechNews

­U.S. Not Ready For Cyber Attack

The results of a two-day cyberwar simulation involving 230 representatives from U.S. government defense and security agencies, private companies, and civil groups...
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