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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How the Nsa (may Have) Put a Backdoor in Rsa's Cryptography: A Technical Primer
From ACM News

How the Nsa (may Have) Put a Backdoor in Rsa's Cryptography: A Technical Primer

There has been a lot of news lately about nefarious-sounding backdoors being inserted into cryptographic standards and toolkits.

Secret Court Declassifies Opinion Providing Rationale For Metadata Sharing
From ACM News

Secret Court Declassifies Opinion Providing Rationale For Metadata Sharing

For the first time, the United States' most secret court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), has published its legal rationale as to why the ...

Ios 7, Thoroughly Reviewed
From ACM Opinion

Ios 7, Thoroughly Reviewed

When we reviewed iOS 6 a year ago, we called it a "spit-and-polish" release and stand by that assessment today.

Ios and Android Weaknesses Allow Stealthy Pilfering of Website Credentials
From ACM TechNews

Ios and Android Weaknesses Allow Stealthy Pilfering of Website Credentials

A weakness in both the iOS and Android mobile operating systems makes it possible for hackers to steal sensitive user data and login credentials. 

Space Telescopes and Human Genomes: How Researchers Share Petabyte Data Sets
From ACM TechNews

Space Telescopes and Human Genomes: How Researchers Share Petabyte Data Sets

Computational research is evolving as organizations seek to eliminate barriers that prevent collaborative teams from accessing data. 

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle
From ACM TechNews

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle

An artificial, muscle-based computer could have significant potential for the field of robotics. 

Supercomputers Supermodel Supermassive Black Holes
From ACM News

Supercomputers Supermodel Supermassive Black Holes

What happens when two black holes smash into each another? They form an even larger black hole while driving jets of relativistic matter into the far reaches...

Cell Phones and Wifi Set to Invade Nyc's Subways
From ACM News

Cell Phones and Wifi Set to Invade Nyc's Subways

After years of negotiations, a plan is afoot to wire New York City's subway platforms for both cellular and WiFi service, a move that may see service extend into...

From ACM News

Military Testing Afghan Language Translation Mobiles For U.s. Troops

"How can we communicate?" the alien being asks Captain James Kirk in a vintage edition of Star Trek. "My thoughts ... you are hearing them? This is interesting."...

Supreme Court: 'business Method' and Software Patents Ok
From ACM News

Supreme Court: 'business Method' and Software Patents Ok

This morning, the Supreme Court decided the long-running Bilski case on business method patents--a case with broad applicability to software patents. As expected...

From ACM News

Cyber War: Microsoft a Weak Link in National Security

"Microsoft has vast resources, literally billions of dollars in cash, or liquid assets reserves. Microsoft is an incredibly successful empire built on the premise...

From ACM TechNews

Recommendation Algorithm Wants to Show You Something New

An international group of researchers have developed a new algorithm for recommender systems designed to address the challenge of diversity when making recommendations...

From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee Launches 'www Foundation' at Igf 2009

Sir Tim Berners-Lee used the recent Internet Governance Forum to announce the launch of the World Wide Web Foundation, which he says will be an incubator for transformative...

From ACM CareerNews

ACM Wants Computer Science in on Obama's K-12 Education Plan

The Association for Computing Machinery has called on the incoming Obama Administration to re-think the way that computer science is taught in the K-12 public education...
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