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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Opening Doors on the Way to a Personal Robot
From ACM TechNews

Opening Doors on the Way to a Personal Robot

The ability to open doors is a significant step forward for robotics and an important milestone toward a personal robot industry. Such a milestone has been reached...

Pc Touch Screens Moving Beyond Mere Curiosity
From ACM News

Pc Touch Screens Moving Beyond Mere Curiosity

The computer industry has a lot riding on your fingers. Companies have dabbled with the touch-screen technology for years. Apple elevated such technology from a...

Rivals Say I.b.m. Stifles Competition to Mainframes
From ACM News

Rivals Say I.b.m. Stifles Competition to Mainframes

I.B.M. has dominated the mainframe computer business since the category was created four decades ago. And it still gets about one-quarter of its $100 billion in...
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