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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Message From Rim Chief: Monitoring Would Kill Web
From ACM News

Message From Rim Chief: Monitoring Would Kill Web

Research In Motion Ltd. co-CEO Michael Lazaridis lashed out at governments seeking to ban his company's BlackBerry phones, saying they risk undermining the growth...

The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets
From ACM News

The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets

Hidden inside Ashley Hayes-Beaty's computer, a tiny file helps gather personal details about her, all to be put up for sale for a tenth of a penny.

In Silicon Valley, Forget Your Wallet
From ACM News

In Silicon Valley, Forget Your Wallet

Two pilot programs by start-ups in Silicon Valley are testing ways to bring to market a long-promised innovation of the Internet era: the digital wallet.

Intel Makes Advance in Silicon-Based Lasers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Makes Advance in Silicon-Based Lasers

New technology from Intel could lead to the development of computers that use light beams to move data. Intel says it has built a prototype communications device...

Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing
From ACM News

Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to roll out sophisticated electronic ID tags to track individual pairs of jeans and underwear, the first step in a system that advocates...

Spending Soars on Internet's Plumbing
From ACM News

Spending Soars on Internet's Plumbing

Behind the recovery in business spending is a surge in purchases of the computers that form the backbone of the Internet, as companies scramble to meet growing...

From ACM News

Htc, Samsung Rebut Apple's Smartphone Claims

Asian handset makers HTC Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. on Monday rebutted claims made by Apple Inc. that the iPhone 4's reception problems are shared by other...

From ACM News

Letting the Machines Decide

Wall Street is notorious for not learning from its mistakes. Maybe machines can do better.

­U.S. Plans Cyber Shield For U­tilities, Companies
From ACM News

­U.S. Plans Cyber Shield For U­tilities, Companies

The U.S. government is launching a program dubbed "Perfect Citizen" to detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies running critical infrastructure...

­sing Science Against Suicide Bombs
From ACM TechNews

­sing Science Against Suicide Bombs

Software that models the effects of suicide bombings has been developed by computer scientist Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, whose expertise could help inform the construction...

From ACM News

Hackers Aren't Only Threat to Privacy

Sophisticated hackers aren't the only ones gaining access to sensitive data on the Internet. A large amount of personal information is being left exposed or poorly...

Children's Book Apps Get Curiouser and Curiouser
From ACM News

Children's Book Apps Get Curiouser and Curiouser

I prefer the old-fashioned experience of reading in the printed form, though I'm intrigued by the idea that the iPad, and eventually other tablet devices will give...

From ACM TechNews

Get Smart: Targeting Phone Security Flaws

Data from the National Vulnerability Database shows that last year security experts identified 30 security flaws in the software and operating systems of smartphones...

From ACM TechNews

IBM to Open Research Lab in Brazil

IBM announced that it will open a research laboratory in Brazil that will focus on developing technology systems for natural resource development and large-scale...

Verizon Strives to Close Iphone Gap
From ACM News

Verizon Strives to Close Iphone Gap

When Steve Jobs wrapped up his announcement of the new iPhone 4, another big Apple Inc. event had come and gone with no mention of Verizon Wireless.

Japan's Ipad Frenzy Signals a Sea Change
From ACM News

Japan's Ipad Frenzy Signals a Sea Change

The debut of Apple Inc.'s iPad tablet computer in Japan is generating a level of hype and excitement rarely seen these days for a new electronics product in the...

App Watch: Searching Without Words
From ACM News

App Watch: Searching Without Words

At some point, scientists think, you’ll be able to point a lens at almost any object and get information about what you’re seeing.

Facebook, Myspace Confront Privacy Loophole
From ACM News

Facebook, Myspace Confront Privacy Loophole

Facebook, MySpace and several other social-networking sites have been sending data to advertising companies that could be used to find consumers' names and other...

Facebook Grapples With Privacy Issues
From ACM News

Facebook Grapples With Privacy Issues

A backlash over Facebook Inc.'s privacy practices has triggered disagreement inside the company that could force Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg to scale back efforts...

They Walk. They Work. New Dna Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.
From ACM News

They Walk. They Work. New Dna Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.

For the first time, microscopic robots made from DNA molecules can walk, follow instructions and work together to assemble simple products on an atomic-scale assembly...
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