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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

The Wars of Words on Wikipedia's Outskirts

It is an interesting twist about Wikipedia that the most controversial, most heavily trafficked articles — on abortion, politics, virgin birth — are often the most...

From ACM TechNews

Obama Outlines Coordinated Cyber-Security Plan

U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the country's disjointed efforts to "deter, prevent, detect, and defend" against cyberattacks will now be run by the...

Pentagon Plans New Arm to Wage Computer Wars
From ACM TechNews

Pentagon Plans New Arm to Wage Computer Wars

The U.S. Pentagon is planning to establish a new cyberwarfare command as a complement to a soon-to-be-announced civilian computer network safety overhaul, according...

Tracking Cyberspies Through the Web Wilderness
From ACM TechNews

Tracking Cyberspies Through the Web Wilderness

The Internet is rife with cybercriminals and online eavesdroppers, and countering this threat is the job of cybersleuths. One of the key tools in cybersleuths'...

From ACM News

'kill Switch' Disables Stolen Laptops

A lost or stolen laptop or notebook computer is replaceable; the stolen data inside it may produce real owner's anxiety. Which makes Fujitsu's newly announced "security...

Cadets Trade the Trenches For Firewalls
From ACM TechNews

Cadets Trade the Trenches For Firewalls

Throughout the U.S. military there is heightened awareness that the threat of a computer attack is just as urgent as a physical attack, and that military units...

From ACM News

In Cellphone, India Reveals an Essence

Sometimes a technology comes along and crystallizes a cultural moment. Not since the automobile and the American in the 1950s, perhaps, have a technology and a...

Iranians and Others Outwit Net Censors
From ACM TechNews

Iranians and Others Outwit Net Censors

People around the world are circumventing their governments' censorship of Web content using tools developed and provided by a diverse coalition of political and...

From ACM TechNews

Panel Advises Clarifying U.S. Plans on Cyberwar

A report based on a three-year study by a panel assembled by the National Academy of Sciences says the United States does not have a clear military policy on how...

Computers Bring Efficiency to the Infrastructure
From ACM News

Computers Bring Efficiency to the Infrastructure

Low-cost sensors, clever software, and computing firepower are key ingredients of an emerging computing trend called smart infrastructure — efficient and environmentally...

From ACM TechNews

­U.S. Steps ­Up Effort on Digital Defenses

The United States is engaged in an international race to develop both cyberweapons and cyberdefenses. Thousands of daily attacks on federal and private computer...

From ACM TechNews

Fight Over Internet Filtering Has a Test Run in Europe

Europe's influence over technology regulation has led U.S. companies to send lobbyists to try and influence European lawmakers as they debate Internet access policy...

From ACM TechNews

Surprise: America Is No. 1 in Broadband

Although some countries have far more broadband-connected homes and higher broadband speeds than the United States, the U.S. leads the world in putting broadband...

From ACM TechNews

A New Internet?

There is a growing belief among engineers and security experts that the only way to fix Internet security is to recreate the Internet from scratch. What a new...
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