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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Bionic Vision Unveils Advanced Prototype Electronic Eyeball
From ACM TechNews

Bionic Vision Unveils Advanced Prototype Electronic Eyeball

University of New South Wales  and Bionic Vision Australia researchers recently unveiled an advanced prototype of an electronic eyeball that could be used by people...

Walking, Talking Doll: Japanese Scientists ­nveil Female Android
From ACM TechNews

Walking, Talking Doll: Japanese Scientists ­nveil Female Android

Japanese scientists worked with robot manufacturer Kokoro to develop a female android that can mimic a person's facial expression. 

From ACM News

Searching For Answers: Ethical Considerations of Google's Presence in China

When Jim Caccamo, Ph.D., heard of Google's recent struggles in China, he knew he'd need to update the curriculum for the Technology, Society and Christian Ethics...

From ACM News

Sharp Increase In Computer Science ­niversity Enrollment

The number of undergraduate students majoring in computer science increased 14 percent over the last two years, reversing the steep decline in computer science...

Programming With Purpose
From ACM TechNews

Programming With Purpose

The University of Washington recently held a reception that enabled computer-science and engineering undergraduate students to show off new accessibility applications...

Robot Soon Able to Operate Inside Mri Scanners
From ACM TechNews

Robot Soon Able to Operate Inside Mri Scanners

Researchers at the University of Twente's MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology, in partnership with Radboud University, are working to develop robot-assisted...

From ACM News

Two Programs Honored for Bringing ­nderrepresented Groups into Mathematics

The American Mathematical Society is honoring two programs that do an outstanding job of bringing more individuals from underrepresented minority groups into the...

Citizen Science Contributes to Research
From ACM News

Citizen Science Contributes to Research

As technology increases the amount of new information available in various fields of science, researchers are turning to citizen scientists to unlock the data....

Energy Dashboard Helps ­csd Campus Curb Appetite For Power
From ACM News

Energy Dashboard Helps ­csd Campus Curb Appetite For Power

After an extensive period of testing, researchers this week have launched an Internet portal to showcase the real-time measurement and visualization of energy use...

From ACM TechNews

Could Robots Help Older People Look After Themselves

Researchers are participating in a European project aimed at developing an intelligent system comprised of a robot and smart sensors that can support independent...

ACM Awards Recognize Computer Science Innovation
From ACM News

ACM Awards Recognize Computer Science Innovation

ACM has announced the winners of six prestigious awards for their innovations in computing technology that demonstrate the benefits of computational thinking for...

Technology Coalition Calls For an ­pdate of Online Privacy Laws
From ACM News

Technology Coalition Calls For an ­pdate of Online Privacy Laws

A broad technology coalition would like to see the Electronic Communications Privacy Act updated to define the U.S. government's access to e-mail and private files...

James Bond Spies Fail Social Networking
From ACM News

James Bond Spies Fail Social Networking

The director-general of MI5 says he's concerned the Britain's spy agency is being held back by some James Bond-generation agents who don't understand the world...

Recession Will Keep It Spending Flat in 2010, Study Says
From ACM News

Recession Will Keep It Spending Flat in 2010, Study Says

Most companies feel battered by the recession and expect that external spending on computers, software and related services will be flat in 2010, according to a...

Pedophiles in Chatrooms May Be Trapped By Their Typing
From ACM TechNews

Pedophiles in Chatrooms May Be Trapped By Their Typing

Newcastle University researchers are developing technology that could be used to prevent convicted sex offenders from committing further crimes. The technology...

City Tours By Mouse Click
From ACM TechNews

City Tours By Mouse Click

Fraunhofer IFF researchers have developed software that can provide virtual tours of cities for everyone from commercial investors to potential and current residents...

From ACM TechNews

Cyberattacks Are 'Existential Threat' to U.S., FBI Says

The threat from cyberattacks is so severe that it actually threatens the very existence of the United States, says Steven Chabinsky, the deputy assistant director...

Survey: ­.s. Women and Minority Scientists Often Discouraged From Pursuing STEM Careers
From ACM TechNews

Survey: ­.s. Women and Minority Scientists Often Discouraged From Pursuing STEM Careers

A lack of quality science and math education programs, persistent stereotypes, and financial issues related to the cost of education are the top three causes for...

From ACM TechNews

Rising Demand For Sql, Linux Skills

ITWorldCanada.comA recent Technology Demand and Supply Q4 2009 report, produced for the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, found that SQL, C#, .NET and Linux...

Computer Scientists Empower Citizen Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Empower Citizen Scientists

Binghamton University computer science professor Kenneth Chiu and his students have created a Web site that enables people to access large amounts of information...
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