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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Nsf Looking For Wicked Cool Visual and Data Analysis Algorithms

The National Science Foundation (NSF) wants to develop highly interpretive mathematical and computational algorithms and techniques to help the U.S. government...

From ACM TechNews

P2P Traffic Control

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine believe that peer-to-peer style information sharing could be used to improve road conditions for drivers. Using...

From ACM TechNews

Energy Drain By Computers Stifles Efforts at Cost Control

Higher-education institutions are having a hard time keeping computing costs under control because of power-thirsty data centers. Experts say colleges and universities...

From ACM TechNews

­W Med Students Prepare With Cutting Edge Technology

The University of Washington (UW) is increasingly requiring all medical, nursing, and pharmacology students, and those in similar fields, to perfect their skills...

From ACM TechNews

Get Them While They're Young: Tomorrow's It Pros

The Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow's ICT Skills (CCICT) is hoping to increase the number of students studying information technology through its new National ICT...

ACM's Annual Report
From Communications of the ACM

ACM's Annual Report

I would be hard-pressed to recall in my four decades as an ACM member a time as eventful and exceptional as recorded by ACM in FY08.

A Pioneer Woman
From Communications of the ACM

A Pioneer Woman

Programmer Jean Bartik is inducted into the Computer History Museum's Hall of Fellows.

From ACM TechNews

Nearly 1 Million Jobs Could Be Created By It Stimulus Package, Think Tank Says

A $30 billion investment in the U.S. IT industry would create or help retain nearly 1 million jobs, concludes "The Digital Road to Recovery: A Stimulus Plan to...

From ACM TechNews

Teaching Intangibles With Technology

European and Israeli researchers have developed an education system that focuses on teaching students critical thinking, social interaction, discourse, rhetoric...

From ACM TechNews

Leaving the Rat Race to Save the World

Companies are offering their IT employees the opportunity to volunteer for projects in developing countries, and some IT workers, frustrated by a lack of purpose...

From ACM TechNews

New Years Honours - Dame Wendy Hall

ACM President Wendy Hall, a computer science professor at the University of Southampton and a former head of the School of Electronics and Computer Science, has...

From ACM TechNews

The 9 Hottest Skills For '09

Even with a struggling economy and record unemployment, certain IT skills will be in high demand in the coming year. Programming and application development will...

From ACM TechNews

Wanted: More Science and Math Teachers in the ­s

During the next decade U.S. schools are expected to need at least 200,000 new science and math teachers, and many districts already face shortages. In at least...

From ACM TechNews

Internet Providers Move to Shape Broadband Push

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama and Congressional lawmakers want to improve the quality and availability of high-speed Web access in the United States. Some...

From ACM TechNews

Stimulus Could Boost It Job Prospects

The overall outlook for IT employment in 2009 is mixed, but some analysts say the U.S. federal economic stimulus package could add IT positions. Compared to jobs...

From ACM TechNews

Google Brings Cross-Language Translation to Search Appliance

Google wants to create greater international interest in a new experimental feature that enables Google Search Appliance (GSA) to translate documents between 34...

From ACM CareerNews

ACM Wants Computer Science in on Obama's K-12 Education Plan

The Association for Computing Machinery has called on the incoming Obama Administration to re-think the way that computer science is taught in the K-12 public education...

From ACM TechNews

­U.S. Not Ready For Cyber Attack

The results of a two-day cyberwar simulation involving 230 representatives from U.S. government defense and security agencies, private companies, and civil groups...

From ACM TechNews

Sun, Consortium to Drive Tech Accessibility Project

Sun Microsystems is working with the European Commission-funded open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards (AEGIS) Project to improve...

From ACM TechNews

Making Sense of the 'semantic Web'

The semantic Web could enable more interactive and accurate searches and is considered a crucial component of emerging Web 3.0 technology. Researchers are exploring...
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