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News Archive


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January 2018

From ACM News

Data Visualization Tools Drive Interactivity and Reproducibility in Online Publishing

Data Visualization Tools Drive Interactivity and Reproducibility in Online Publishing

As Benjamin Delory started his paper documenting a new way to quantify plant morphology, he realized that one of the figures could pose a problem.

From ACM News

Vista From Mars Rover Looks Back Over Journey So Far

Vista From Mars Rover Looks Back Over Journey So Far

A panoramic image that NASA's Curiosity Mars rover took from a mountainside ridge provides a sweeping vista of key sites visited since the rover's 2012 landing, and the towering surroundings.

From ACM TechNews

How Programmers Learn to Code

How Programmers Learn to Code

Most coders' programming skills are self-taught, and more than a quarter of  surveyed developers wrote their first piece of code before they were 16 years old.

From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Breakthrough in Robotics

The Next Big Breakthrough in Robotics

Northeastern University professor Robert Platt says advances in machine learning, big data, and robot perception have put the robotics field on the brink of a major breakthrough.

From ACM TechNews

Study Produces 3D Images That Float in 'thin Air'

Study Produces 3D Images That Float in 'thin Air'

Researchers say they have developed a way to create a three-dimensional volumetric projection hat a viewer can walk around and see from every angle.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers at Cornell Release Paper on Cryptocurrencies

Researchers at Cornell Release Paper on Cryptocurrencies

A new report challenges the idea that the world's two most popular cryptocurrencies provide decentralized financial systems.

From ACM TechNews

App to Increase Public Involvement in Protecting Rivers

App to Increase Public Involvement in Protecting Rivers

Researchers are developing a mobile application that will monitor developments around rivers in order to maximize public participation in revivification.

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Leads but China Gains in Nsf 2018 S&e Indicators Report

­.s. Leads but China Gains in Nsf 2018 S&e Indicators Report

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 report found the U.S. still leads in science and engineering worldwide, although China is advancing.

From ACM Careers

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart

You've seen the headlines: "Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs—and We're Not Ready for It." "You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think." "Robots May Steal as Many as 800 Million Jobs in the Next 13 Years."

From ACM News

A New Recipe For Hunting Alien Life

A New Recipe For Hunting Alien Life

Imagine stepping into a time machine, one that could traverse not only billions of years but also countless light years of space, all in search of life in the universe.

From ACM News

Blockchain Is This Year's Buzzword, But Can It Outlive the Hype?

Blockchain Is This Year's Buzzword, But Can It Outlive the Hype?

The speculation around cryptocurrencies has obscured the fact that blockchain, the decentralised, open-source ledger that drives bitcoin, could radically change how ownership is verified.

From ACM TechNews

Engineering School Attempts to Overcome 'memory Wall'

Engineering School Attempts to Overcome 'memory Wall'

The University of Virginia's School of Engineering and Applied Science has received $27.5 million to launch the Center for Research in Intelligent Storage and Processing in Memory.

From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Professor Leads Multi-Disciplined Approach to Collaboration

Computer Science Professor Leads Multi-Disciplined Approach to Collaboration

Researchers have developed a model for experiential and community-engaged learning that they have used to immerse their students in computational thinking.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Sound Waves to Advance Optical Communication

Researchers ­se Sound Waves to Advance Optical Communication

Researchers at the University of Illinois have demonstrated that sound waves can produce ultraminiature optical diodes small enough to fit onto a computer chip.

From ACM News

The Quantum Computer Era Arrives

The Quantum Computer Era Arrives

The drive to develop and commercialize the first quantum computer has been characterized as the new arms race.

From ACM News

Artificial Neurons Compute Faster Than the Human Brain

Artificial Neurons Compute Faster Than the Human Brain

Superconducting computing chips modelled after neurons can process information faster and more efficiently than the human brain.

From ACM Careers

How Pixar's Cartoon Cheese Led to a Smarter View of Science

How Pixar's Cartoon Cheese Led to a Smarter View of Science

Ten years ago, a chunk of animated cheese in Pixar's "Ratatouille" captured the imagination of cell biologist Janet Iwasa. So much so that it changed the way she teaches how deadly viruses work.

From ACM News

Strava Suggests Military ­sers 'opt Out' of Heatmap as Row Deepens

Strava Suggests Military ­sers 'opt Out' of Heatmap as Row Deepens

Fitness-tracking company Strava has defended its publication of heatmaps that accidentally reveal sensitive military positions, arguing that the information was already made public by the users who uploaded it.

From ACM TechNews

Russian Experts Submit 'impenetrable' Smartphone Protection System

Russian Experts Submit 'impenetrable' Smartphone Protection System

Researchers at the National Research Nuclear University in Russia have developed a system of continuous authentication of mobile device users based on behavioral biometrics.

From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Pioneered For Real-Time Gravitational Wave Discovery

Deep Learning Pioneered For Real-Time Gravitational Wave Discovery

Researchers have developed a method for using graphics processing unit-accelerated deep learning for detecting and characterizing gravitational waves.

From ACM TechNews

Technique Triggers Electronic Circuits to Self-Destruct

Technique Triggers Electronic Circuits to Self-Destruct

Researchers say they have invented a method for triggering the discreet self-destruction of electronic circuits.

From ACM TechNews

Eight Governors Join Coalition to Expand Computer Science Education

Eight Governors Join Coalition to Expand Computer Science Education

The Governors' Partnership for K-12 Computer Science has added eight new members, bringing the total number of participants to 16 U.S. governors.

From ACM TechNews

Scientists Work to Automate Quick Translation of Obscure Languages

Scientists Work to Automate Quick Translation of Obscure Languages

Researchers have received a U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity grant to develop an automated tool for translating obscure languages.

From ACM TechNews

Feedback Enhances Brainwave Control of a Novel Hand-Exoskeleton

Feedback Enhances Brainwave Control of a Novel Hand-Exoskeleton

Researchers are developing a portable hand exoskeleton controlled by brainwaves.

From ACM News

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule

Over the past two months, Google has started letting people around the world choose what data they want to share with its various products, including Gmail and Google Docs.

From ACM News

Your Sloppy Bitcoin Drug Deals Will Haunt You For Years

Your Sloppy Bitcoin Drug Deals Will Haunt You For Years

Perhaps you bought some illegal narcotics on the Silk Road half a decade ago, back when that digital black market for every contraband imaginable was still online and bustling.

From ACM News

Vulnerable Industrial Controls Directly Connected to Internet? Why Not?

Vulnerable Industrial Controls Directly Connected to Internet? Why Not?

Siemens issued an update to a year-old product vulnerability warning for its SIMATIC S7-300 and S7-400 families of programmable logic controllers (PLCs)—industrial control systems used to remotely monitor and operate manufacturing…

From ACM News

Top Technews Stories of 2017

Top Technews Stories of 2017

ACM delivers the TechNews computer science and technology newsletter to more than 110,000 ACM members three times each week.

From ACM TechNews

The Algorithms of Our Future Thinking Machines

The Algorithms of Our Future Thinking Machines

Researchers in Sweden are building algorithms for dynamic systems.

From ACM TechNews

Smartphones Come in Handy For Rare Cosmic Particles Search

Smartphones Come in Handy For Rare Cosmic Particles Search

Researchers say they have improved a method for analyzing ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with mobile phones.

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