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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorBBC News

Could Robots Become Too Cute For Comfort?
From ACM Opinion

Could Robots Become Too Cute For Comfort?

Would you share your innermost secret with a robot?

Can Virtual Reality Make You a Better Person?
From ACM Opinion

Can Virtual Reality Make You a Better Person?

"This is already so real, I don’t know if I even want to do this anymore," I say out loud.

How Humans Could Inhabit the Solar System
From ACM Opinion

How Humans Could Inhabit the Solar System

With our rising planet's population competing for space and resources, some people are convinced we need to look beyond Earth to help ensure humanity's survival...

Cyborgs: The Truth About Human Augmentation
From ACM Opinion

Cyborgs: The Truth About Human Augmentation

At the height of summer, when London was baking in unseasonable heat, I made an ill-fated trip to the Serpentine lido in central London.

What the Inside of a Spaceship Might Really Look Like
From ACM Opinion

What the Inside of a Spaceship Might Really Look Like

The starship Enterprise has got to be one of the most beautiful fictional spacecraft ever created.

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet

You may not realise it, but every time you open up your laptop or switch on your phone, you are at the heart of one of the greatest battles now taking place in...

Why Is Science Fiction So Hard to Define?
From ACM Opinion

Why Is Science Fiction So Hard to Define?

Time Out, the weekly listings magazine, recently ranked the 100 best sci-fi movies of all time.

Should We Fear the Robots of the Future?
From ACM Opinion

Should We Fear the Robots of the Future?

The world's oldest technology magazine is the MIT Technology Review.

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?

Joss Wright is training a robot to freak people out.

Want to Learn Quicker? ­se Your Body
From ACM Opinion

Want to Learn Quicker? ­se Your Body

Ever got to grips with a problem? Picked up a new skill? Grasped a difficult concept? The language of learning is full of references to parts of the body outside...

Are There Any Benefits to Losing Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Are There Any Benefits to Losing Our Privacy?

In a digital world, our every move can be tracked, collected and analysed.

Snowden Leaks: The Man Who Watches Over the Nsa
From ACM Opinion

Snowden Leaks: The Man Who Watches Over the Nsa

Whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations have revealed that a huge capability resides within America's National Security Agency to collect and analyse communications...

Is Google Autocomplete Evil?
From ACM Opinion

Is Google Autocomplete Evil?

"Women shouldn't have rights." "Women shouldn't vote." "Women shouldn't work."

Twitter: Tweets and Hashtags Will Shape How We Think
From ACM Opinion

Twitter: Tweets and Hashtags Will Shape How We Think

One day, a user of Twitter decided to do something no else had tried before.

Neal Stephenson on Tall Towers and Nsa Cyber-Spies
From ACM Opinion

Neal Stephenson on Tall Towers and Nsa Cyber-Spies

Neal Stephenson is thinking big—20km (12.4 miles) big, to be precise.

Picture This: Is There Life After Photoshop?
From ACM Opinion

Picture This: Is There Life After Photoshop?

For almost all its 23-year existence, Photoshop has dominated the digital retouching and design world.

How Wearable Technology Could Transform Business
From ACM Opinion

How Wearable Technology Could Transform Business

Once upon a time seeing your life flash before your eyes was something people did their best to avoid. The arrival of Google Glass seems to have changed that.

What Would Happen If All Satellites Stopped Working?
From ACM Opinion

What Would Happen If All Satellites Stopped Working?

We may not always realise it, but we depend on space technology orbiting the Earth.

Apple: An End to Skeuomorphic Design?
From ACM Opinion

Apple: An End to Skeuomorphic Design?

Why do most smartphones make a clicking noise, like a camera shutter closing, when you take a picture with them? Why do the virtual pages of a book on a tablet...

Bruces Sterling's Vision of the Future City
From ACM Opinion

Bruces Sterling's Vision of the Future City

In 2050, the Earth's population is expected to hit 10 billion, and 75% of those people will live in cities.
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