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James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher
From ACM Opinion

James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher

At a racetrack in Florida this weekend, 16 robots competed to complete a series of tasks inspired by challenges faced in cleaning up the destroyed Fukushima-Daiichi...

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations
From ACM Opinion

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations

The fiasco with the $600 million federal health insurance website wasn't all bureaucratic.

The Decline of Wikipedia
From ACM Opinion

The Decline of Wikipedia

The sixth most widely used website in the world is not run anything like the others in the top 10.

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee

Microsoft's new head of research, Peter Lee, is tasked with helping the company invent the future.

The Lessons of Aaron Swartz
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The Lessons of Aaron Swartz

On the day after Aaron Swartz's death in January, President Reif and I spoke about how MIT might respond to the breaking news of his suicide.

Cryptographers Have an Ethics Problem
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Cryptographers Have an Ethics Problem

Last week, I visited the MIT computer science department looking for a very famous cryptographer.

The Man Who Drew Up Sony's Next Game Plan
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The Man Who Drew Up Sony's Next Game Plan

Mark Cerny's soft voice and youthful looks belie the position of power he holds in the video-game industry.

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning
From ACM Opinion

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning

Sebastian Thrun has worn many hats in the tech world: Stanford research professor, founder of Google's X Labs, where he oversaw the development of self-drivingUdacity...

Intel's Justin Rattner on New Laser Chip Business
From ACM Opinion

Intel's Justin Rattner on New Laser Chip Business

Intel came to dominate computing by consistently beating others at packing transistors ever more densely onto chips for desktop computers and servers.

Apple's New Mobile Os Is All About Ive
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Apple's New Mobile Os Is All About Ive

For Apple, there's a lot riding on iOS 7, the newest version of its mobile software and the first refresh overseen by veteran industrial design head Jonathan Ive...

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics

Don't be surprised if Stephen Wolfram, the renowned complexity theorist, software company CEO, and night owl, wants to schedule a work call with you at 9 p.m. In...

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun
From ACM Opinion

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun

Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) project, which President Obama announced in his State of the Union address in February, will...

Mobile Computing Is Just Getting Started
From ACM Opinion

Mobile Computing Is Just Getting Started

Mobile computers are spreading faster than any other consumer technology in history.

Steve Ballmer on the Strategy Behind His Strangest Product
From ACM Opinion

Steve Ballmer on the Strategy Behind His Strangest Product

Windows 8, the most recent version of Microsoft's operating system, is the most ambitious and the strangest major product ever released by the software giant.

Windows 8: Design Over ­sability
From ACM Opinion

Windows 8: Design Over ­sability

Windows 8 is a computer science masterpiece trapped inside a user interface kerfuffle.

Apple’s Next Innovation: TV
From ACM Opinion

Apple’s Next Innovation: TV

Steve Jobs couldn't hide his frustration. Asked at a technology conference in 2010 whether Apple might finally turn its attention to television, he launched into...

The Natural Experimenter
From ACM Opinion

The Natural Experimenter

Josh Angrist is an acclaimed experimentalist who does not work in a lab.

Don't Divorce Design from Manufacturing
From ACM Opinion

Don't Divorce Design from Manufacturing

The software company Autodesk doesn't manufacture anything.

Why China's Homemade Microchips Will Struggle to Displace Western Giants
From ACM Opinion

Why China's Homemade Microchips Will Struggle to Displace Western Giants

If China's ultimate aim in the sphere of technology is to become completely self-sufficient, it is well on the way to achieving this ambitious goal.

How Technology Has Restored the Soul of Politics
From ACM Opinion

How Technology Has Restored the Soul of Politics

In 1979, I was an aeronautical-engineering major at San Jose State University, sneaking time in the laser lab to make holograms or running over to the computer...
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