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subjectPersonal Computing
authorThe Wall Street Journal

Google's Vint Cerf Warns Against Fragmentation of Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google's Vint Cerf Warns Against Fragmentation of Internet

Internet pioneer Vinton G. Cerf warned Thursday that political and technological forces threaten universal access and integrity, which he described as the foundation...

Brace Yourself: Microsoft Wants to Guess How Old You Are
From ACM News

Brace Yourself: Microsoft Wants to Guess How Old You Are

Like a distant relative who makes you feel bad at the annual holiday get together, Microsoft has created a website that analyzes a photo of a person's face and...

The Future of Sex: It Gets Better
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Sex: It Gets Better

When I was 10 years old, my friend Sarah and I found a newly minted copy of "The Joy of Sex" under her parents' bed.

Should Law Enforcement Have the Ability to Access Encrypted Communications?
From ACM Opinion

Should Law Enforcement Have the Ability to Access Encrypted Communications?

People's distress over the privacy of their communications has never been more acute. Whether the fear is over U.S. surveillance or breaches by hackers of unknown...

The 12 Tech Nuisances That Annoy ­s Most
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The 12 Tech Nuisances That Annoy ­s Most

You know those days when your phone battery doesn't even make it to dinner?

Get Creative at Your Desk With a Little Playtime
From ACM Opinion

Get Creative at Your Desk With a Little Playtime

Playing with a geometric puzzle or stress ball at your desk can seem like idle diversion. It may also spark clearer or more creative thinking.

The Future of Virtual Sex
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The Future of Virtual Sex

Is another human being necessary for satisfying sex?

What Could Be Lost as Einstein's Papers Go Online
From ACM Opinion

What Could Be Lost as Einstein's Papers Go Online

When I heard that Albert Einstein's papers were going to be published free online, I was thrilled—at least initially.

Google's Schmidt Fires Back Over Encryption
From ACM Opinion

Google's Schmidt Fires Back Over Encryption

To hear Google Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt tell it, the U.S. government has only itself to blame for new efforts by Google and Apple Inc. to keep police...

Why the Public Library Beats Amazon—for Now
From ACM Opinion

Why the Public Library Beats Amazon—for Now

A growing stack of companies would like you to pay a monthly fee to read e-books, just like you subscribe to Netflix to binge on movies and TV shows.

Okcupid's Co-Founder on Experiments, Data Science and the Myth of the 'unicorn'
From ACM Opinion

Okcupid's Co-Founder on Experiments, Data Science and the Myth of the 'unicorn'

Christian Rudder, co-founder and president of the IAC/InterActiveCorp.'s OkCupid, caused a stir recently when he responded to Facebook's news feed controversy with...

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution

Baseball—my passion and profession for three decades—has been at the forefront of the analytics revolution sweeping through sports.

Studying Your ­sers: Facebook's Greatest Hits
From ACM Opinion

Studying Your ­sers: Facebook's Greatest Hits

Facebook's massive psychological experiment involving almost 700,000 unwitting users has attracted plenty of attention and outrage, but it's far from the only time...

Why I'm Not in a Hurry For a 'smart Home'
From ACM Opinion

Why I'm Not in a Hurry For a 'smart Home'

Here's what it's like to wake up in America's smartest home.

When Is It Ok to Check a Smartphone at the Dinner Table?
From ACM Opinion

When Is It Ok to Check a Smartphone at the Dinner Table?

Not long ago, I went to a nice restaurant with five friends. Good food. Better cocktails.

How to ­se Tech Like a Teenager
From ACM Opinion

How to ­se Tech Like a Teenager

Enough with complaining that young people these days are addicted to their phones. The question you should be asking is: What do they know that you don't?

Ray Kurzweil
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Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil is teaching computers how to read better—one more step in the march of technological progress.

Forget 'the Cloud'; 'the Fog' Is Tech's Future
From ACM Opinion

Forget 'the Cloud'; 'the Fog' Is Tech's Future

I'm as big a believer in the transformational power of cloud computing as anyone you'll meet.

The Future of Brain Implants
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The Future of Brain Implants

What would you give for a retinal chip that let you see in the dark or for a next-generation cochlear implant that let you hear any conversation in a noisy restaurant...

Ballmer: Microsoft Missed the Mobile Market Over Last Decade
From ACM Opinion

Ballmer: Microsoft Missed the Mobile Market Over Last Decade

Microsoft Corp largely missed the mobile market in the last decade, its recently departed chief executive officer said Tuesday.
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