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Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon
From ACM Opinion

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon

The idea of erasing and implanting memories is a common feature of science fiction films such as Total Recall and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

This Ingenious Touchscreen ­i Should Be in Every Car
From ACM Opinion

This Ingenious Touchscreen ­i Should Be in Every Car

There may be no greater design crime today than putting a touchscreen in an automobile.

Jawbone Is Now the Startup Apple Should Fear Most
From ACM Opinion

Jawbone Is Now the Startup Apple Should Fear Most

Jawbone is ascending into the top echelon of tech startups, joining the likes of Uber, Dropbox, and Square.

Tim Berners-Lee: We Need to Re-Decentralise the Web
From ACM Opinion

Tim Berners-Lee: We Need to Re-Decentralise the Web

Twenty-five years on from the web's inception, its creator has urged the public to re-engage with its original design: a decentralised internet that at its very...

How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics
From ACM Opinion

How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics

Every day, millions of singles crawl dating sites and apps, flipping through photos and profiles of potential matches.

Why Her Will Dominate ­i Design Even More Than Minority Report
From ACM Opinion

Why Her Will Dominate ­i Design Even More Than Minority Report

A few weeks into the making of Her, Spike Jonze's new flick about romance in the age of artificial intelligence, the director had something of a breakthrough.

The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—and Often ­npatchable
From ACM Opinion

The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—and Often ­npatchable

We're at a crisis point now with regard to the security of embedded systems, where computing is embedded into the hardware itself—as with the Internet of Things...

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World
From ACM Opinion

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World

Whenever an app, a website, or a physical product like a gaming console is exported, it ships with a side of cultural influence.

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem
From ACM Opinion

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem

At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington's network.

Falling in Love with AI Virtual Assistants: A Creepy Love Affair Nearer Than You Think
From ACM Opinion

Falling in Love with AI Virtual Assistants: A Creepy Love Affair Nearer Than You Think

"I've never loved anyone the way I've loved you," swoons Joaquin Phoenix, in the movie Her.

Answers to All the Tech Questions Your Family Will Ask You This Holiday
From ACM Opinion

Answers to All the Tech Questions Your Family Will Ask You This Holiday

Maybe it's your mom and/or dad. Maybe it's a sibling or a grandparent. Or maybe it's just that one friend who still uses a Motorola Razr from the early 2000s.

How Steve Jobs Made the Ipad Succeed When All Other Tablets Failed
From ACM Opinion

How Steve Jobs Made the Ipad Succeed When All Other Tablets Failed

Steve Jobs's solution to Google's Android-everywhere strategy was simple and audacious: he unveiled the iPad.

Orson Scott Card Talks Ender's Game
From ACM Opinion

Orson Scott Card Talks Ender's Game

In Ender's Game, the Nebula Award-winning 1985 novel by Orson Scott Card, a 6-year-old boy is taken from his family on Earth to an orbital military academy to be...

The Godfather of Apple Design Spots 4 Looming Tech Trends
From ACM Opinion

The Godfather of Apple Design Spots 4 Looming Tech Trends

Before there was Jony Ive, there was Hartmut Esslinger.

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?
From ACM Opinion

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?

Remember Watson, IBM's Jeopardy! champion?

How Ios 7 Will Spark a Boom in App Design
From ACM Opinion

How Ios 7 Will Spark a Boom in App Design

You probably feel strongly about iOS 7.

Forget Google Glass. These Are the Interfaces of the Future
From ACM Opinion

Forget Google Glass. These Are the Interfaces of the Future

When we talk about design nowadays, the focus has been on the lures (or dangers) of flat design and skeumorphism; whether there should be (or really are any) ...

Why Moma Is Exhibiting Tetris and Pac-Man
From ACM Opinion

Why Moma Is Exhibiting Tetris and Pac-Man

Last November, the Museum of Modern Art said that it had acquired 14 videogames, adding working copies and the source code of games like Tetris and The Sims to...

Welcome to Google Island
From ACM Opinion

Welcome to Google Island

I awoke aboard a boat, just before daybreak, which was weird.

It's Not About New Icons: What Jony Ive Needs to Do For Apple's Ios
From ACM Opinion

It's Not About New Icons: What Jony Ive Needs to Do For Apple's Ios

iOS 7 will be flat, as in flat design.
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