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Communications of the ACM

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AI and Society: Ethics, Trust, and Cooperation
From Communications of the ACM

AI and Society: Ethics, Trust, and Cooperation

Trust and trustworthiness are central to how ethics helps society survive and thrive.

Computer-Related Risks and Remediation Challenges
From Communications of the ACM

Computer-Related Risks and Remediation Challenges

Surveying the nontechnical issues interwoven with computer-related technologies.

Breaking Up a Digital Monopoly
From Communications of the ACM

Breaking Up a Digital Monopoly

How to decompose a vertically integrated digital monopoly to enable competitive services based on a shared data structure.

Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere
From ACM Careers

Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission urgently needs to regulate automated hiring systems.

You Can't Regulate What You Don't Understand
From ACM Opinion

You Can't Regulate What You Don't Understand

Why AI regulations should begin with mandated disclosures.

AI and Politics: How Will We Know What—and Who—Is Real?
From ACM Opinion

AI and Politics: How Will We Know What—and Who—Is Real?

If we are lucky, new technologies will only cause brief confusion.

The Case for Big Action to Regulate AI
From ACM Opinion

The Case for Big Action to Regulate AI

Why the topic of regulating artificial intelligence ignite such a visceral reaction.

Putting a Teaspoon of Programming into Other Subjects
From Communications of the ACM

Putting a Teaspoon of Programming into Other Subjects

Using teaspoon languages to integrate programming across myriad academic disciplines.

Long-Term Mentoring for Computer Science Researchers
From Communications of the ACM

Long-Term Mentoring for Computer Science Researchers

Reaching out across computer science research communities.

NSF on Chien's Grand Challenge for Sustainability
From Communications of the ACM

NSF on Chien's Grand Challenge for Sustainability

This Viewpoint focuses on ways the computing community can contribute broadly to environmental sustainability and identifies NSF Directorate for Computer and Information...

Do We Need a National Algorithms Safety Board?
From ACM Opinion

Do We Need a National Algorithms Safety Board?

Perfectly safe algorithmic systems are not possible, but safer systems are.

Designing an Ethical Tech Developer
From Communications of the ACM

Designing an Ethical Tech Developer

Studying how to improve teaching young people to ethically exercise the power of technology.

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?
From ACM Opinion

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?

We need to change rules and institutions while still promoting innovation to protect people from faulty artificial intelligence.

An AI Bill of Rights
From ACM Opinion

An AI Bill of Rights

Suresh Venkatasubramanian, professor of Computer Science and Data Science at Brown University, discusses the "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights" and more.

The Battle Over Women's Data
From ACM Opinion

The Battle Over Women's Data

In a post-Roe world, bodily autonomy must include control over personal data.

U.K. Online Safety Bill Is Doomed to Fail
From ACM Opinion

U.K. Online Safety Bill Is Doomed to Fail

Draft legislation suffers from mission creep, internal contradictions, and a dire lack of clear definitions.

An Analysis of Black Faculty in CS Research Departments
From Communications of the ACM

An Analysis of Black Faculty in CS Research Departments

Exploring Black faculty at computer science research departments where Ph.D. programs exist.

Four Ways to Add Active Learning to Computing Courses
From Communications of the ACM

Four Ways to Add Active Learning to Computing Courses

How active-learning techniques can benefit students in computing courses.

Can AI Invent?
From ACM Opinion

Can AI Invent?

Recent patent applications for two inventions that are claimed to have been made by an AI are bringing these questions to the fore.

The Overlooked Upsides of Algorithms in the Workplace
From ACM Opinion

The Overlooked Upsides of Algorithms in the Workplace

Orly Lobel, a law professor at the University of San Diego, believes technology can make the world a better place — and she knows in 2022, that makes her a bit...
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