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Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments
From Communications of the ACM

Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments

Considering the challenges for universities to adapt their business models to changing student demands.

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science

Incorporating data thinking into computer science education.

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns
From ACM Opinion

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns

The computer vision research community is behind on AI ethics, but it is not just a research problem.

Words Matter
From Communications of the ACM

Words Matter

Some jargon can be offensive to newcomers and unintentionally shape our thoughts.

Lina Khan, a Big Tech Critic, Tries Answering Detractors
From ACM Opinion

Lina Khan, a Big Tech Critic, Tries Answering Detractors

In an interview, the FTC chair lays out some of her plans now that she has a Democratic majority at the agency.

Political Affiliation Influences Our Fear of Data Collection
From ACM Opinion

Political Affiliation Influences Our Fear of Data Collection

It's not government Americans don't trust with their data; it's the opposite political party.

Democracy Deserves Better Algorithms
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Democracy Deserves Better Algorithms

Big Tech could deploy any number of solutions to slow the spread of disinformation, with the most promising being to fix the algorithms.

Why All Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire'
From ACM Opinion

Why All Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire'

Computer scientist Nicholas Weaver thinks cryptocurrency is a terrible idea that will end in disaster.

Artificial Intelligence Is Breaking Patent Law
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence Is Breaking Patent Law

Inventions devised by machines require their own intellectual property law and an international treaty.

Designing Software for Research Ethics
From ACM Opinion

Designing Software for Research Ethics

Ph.D. candidate Jonathan Zong found a lack of systems that earn and maintain public trust in large-scale online research, so he made one.

Tech Companies Are Not Ready for a Post-Roe Era
From ACM Opinion

Tech Companies Are Not Ready for a Post-Roe Era

The mortal threat to Roe was not taken seriously by many in corporate America, and that apathy will now come back to haunt them.

It's Time to Open the Black Box of Social Media
From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Open the Black Box of Social Media

Social media cos. need to give their data to independent researchers to better understand how to keep users safe.

My Nightmare Trip into the Metaverse
From ACM Opinion

My Nightmare Trip into the Metaverse

A reporter dons a VR headset, heads into the metaverse, and witnesses the most disturbing sights of her life.

Toward Justice in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship
From Communications of the ACM

Toward Justice in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship

Proposing a justice-centered CS education.

Why It Is So Hard to Make AI Fair and Unbiased
From ACM Opinion

Why It Is So Hard to Make AI Fair and Unbiased

Competing notions of fairness exist, and sometimes they are totally incompatible with each other.

<i>Communications'</i> Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event
From Communications of the ACM

Communications' Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event

How AI and science are shaping each other.

Europe Is in Danger of Using the Wrong Definition of AI
From ACM Opinion

Europe Is in Danger of Using the Wrong Definition of AI

Some intelligent systems are at risk of being excluded from oversight in the EU's proposed legislation

Why You Can't Rebuild Wikipedia with Crypto
From ACM Opinion

Why You Can't Rebuild Wikipedia with Crypto

Software engineer and Wikipedia editor talks about her Web3 skepticism

Intelligence and Comprehension
From ACM Opinion

Intelligence and Comprehension

What does it mean to say a computer model 'understands'?

Web3 Threatens to Segregate Our Online Lives
From ACM Opinion

Web3 Threatens to Segregate Our Online Lives

Governance tokens may seem like a way to moderate content, but they only give the appearance of democracy.
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