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Communications of the ACM

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Rebuttal How-To: Strategies, Tactics, and the Big Picture in Research
From Communications of the ACM

Rebuttal How-To: Strategies, Tactics, and the Big Picture in Research

Demystifying rebuttal writing.

Beyond the Editorial Analogy: The Future of the First Amendment on the Internet
From Communications of the ACM

Beyond the Editorial Analogy: The Future of the First Amendment on the Internet

Can the government regulate how social media companies moderate their platforms?

A Clash of Civilizations
From Communications of the ACM

A Clash of Civilizations

The much-sought holy grail of more and faster innovation will come from integrating pipeline thinking and adoption thinking.

Five Ways Executives Misunderstand Technology
From Communications of the ACM

Five Ways Executives Misunderstand Technology

How executives might better understand technology.

Rethinking Conference Formats
From Communications of the ACM

Rethinking Conference Formats

Suggesting a conference format better suited for both onsite and virtual conferences.

The Gamification of Academia
From Communications of the ACM

The Gamification of Academia

Gaming the system.

On Being a Computer Science Communicator
From Communications of the ACM

On Being a Computer Science Communicator

Facilitating more effective public engagement with a computer science perspective.

It Is Time to Let Go of 'Virtual Reality'
From Communications of the ACM

It Is Time to Let Go of 'Virtual Reality'

Advocating standardized terminology and reporting guidelines for mixed reality research.

Barbershop Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Barbershop Computing

Moving education beyond computer science pipelines.

Can Crowdsourcing Rescue the Social Marketplace of Ideas?
From Communications of the ACM

Can Crowdsourcing Rescue the Social Marketplace of Ideas?

How collaborative designs and community-based moderation could improve social media.

Rebutting Rebuttals
From Communications of the ACM

Rebutting Rebuttals

Evaluating the impact of the conference review rebuttal process.

We Need to Focus on How Our Data Is Used, Not Just How It Is Shared
From Communications of the ACM

We Need to Focus on How Our Data Is Used, Not Just How It Is Shared

Toward better understanding of the different ways data circulates between users and platforms.

Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape
From Communications of the ACM

Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape

Navigating the complex and varying AI regulatory landscape.

Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots
From Communications of the ACM

Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots

Parsing the promise of language-capable robots.

Improving Computing Education Research through Valuing Design
From Communications of the ACM

Improving Computing Education Research through Valuing Design

Exploring alternatives to existing research systems and methods.

AI and Society: Ethics, Trust, and Cooperation
From Communications of the ACM

AI and Society: Ethics, Trust, and Cooperation

Trust and trustworthiness are central to how ethics helps society survive and thrive.

Computer-Related Risks and Remediation Challenges
From Communications of the ACM

Computer-Related Risks and Remediation Challenges

Surveying the nontechnical issues interwoven with computer-related technologies.

Breaking Up a Digital Monopoly
From Communications of the ACM

Breaking Up a Digital Monopoly

How to decompose a vertically integrated digital monopoly to enable competitive services based on a shared data structure.

Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere
From ACM Careers

Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission urgently needs to regulate automated hiring systems.

You Can't Regulate What You Don't Understand
From ACM Opinion

You Can't Regulate What You Don't Understand

Why AI regulations should begin with mandated disclosures.
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