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Opinion Archive


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October 2017

From ACM Opinion

Author Franklin Foer on Controlling the Power of Big Tech

Author Franklin Foer on Controlling the Power of Big Tech

Franklin Foer is the author of World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech, a critique of the power held by the big tech companies, and the way it is used in our lives. He discusses the book in an interview. 

From ACM Opinion

China's AI Awakening

China's AI Awakening

On a tropical island that marks the southern tip of China, a computer program called Lengpudashi is playing one-on-one poker against a dozen people at once, and it's absolutely crushing them.

From ACM Opinion

Why Is There No Nobel Prize in Technology?

Why Is There No Nobel Prize in Technology?

As the world focuses its attention on this year's recipients of the planet's most prestigious prize, the Nobel, it feels like something's missing from the list: technology.

From ACM Opinion

Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue

Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue

For more than two decades, Tim O'Reilly has been the conscience of the tech industry.

From ACM Opinion

Hey Professor: Jim H. Waldo

Hey Professor: Jim H. Waldo

Computer Science Professor James "Jim" H. Waldo discusses privacy and technology in society today.

From ACM Opinion

How the Chinese Cyberthreat Has evolved

How the Chinese Cyberthreat Has evolved

With more than half of its 1.4 billion people online, the world's most populous country is home to a slew of cyberspies and hackers.

From ACM Opinion

Let's ­se the Government's Massive Databases to Make Better Policy

Let's ­se the Government's Massive Databases to Make Better Policy

Members of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking appear before Congress this week to present their final report (pdf). 

From ACM Opinion

The Absurdity of the Nobel Prizes in Science

The Absurdity of the Nobel Prizes in Science

The fact that the Nobel Prizes awarded in science have drawn controversy since their very inception hints at deep-rooted problems. The Nobels reward individuals — three at most, for each of the scientific prizes, in any given…

From ACM Opinion

How China Is Catching ­p To A ­.s. Science & Tech Sector ­ncertain Of Its Future

How China Is Catching ­p To A ­.s. Science & Tech Sector ­ncertain Of Its Future

While the U.S. remains the global leader in Science and Technology, there is little doubt that its star is fading.

From ACM Opinion

Misinformation Is the New Normal of Mass Shootings

Misinformation Is the New Normal of Mass Shootings

On the morning after the deadliest shooting in modern American history, there was a certain predictability in the response to a tragedy that left at least 59 dead and another 527 wounded on the Las Vegas Strip.

From ACM Opinion

Forget Killer Robots; Bias Is the Real AI Danger

Forget Killer Robots; Bias Is the Real AI Danger

Google's AI chief isn't fretting about super-intelligent killer robots. Instead, John Giannandrea is concerned about the danger that may be lurking inside the machine-learning algorithms used to make millions of decisions every…

From ACM Opinion

Trump Is Making Canada Great Again

Trump Is Making Canada Great Again

It's no secret that the United States has long dominated cutting-edge technologies, from personal computers and biotech to smartphones and social media.

From Communications of the ACM

Amazon and Whole Foods: Follow the Strategy (and the Money)

Amazon and Whole Foods

Checking out the recent Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods.

From Communications of the ACM

IoT: The Internet of Terror

IoT: The Internet of Terror

If it seems like the sky is falling, that's because it is.

From Communications of the ACM

What Can Agile Methods Bring to High-Integrity Software Development?

What Can Agile Methods Bring to High-Integrity Software Development?

Considering the issues and opportunities raised by Agile practices in the development of high-integrity software.

From Communications of the ACM

The Real Risks of Artificial Intelligence

The Real Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Incidents from the early days of AI research are instructive in the current AI environment.

From Communications of the ACM

Fintech Platforms and Strategy

Fintech Platforms and Strategy

Integrating trust and automation in finance.

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