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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2014

From Communications of the ACM

Digital Platforms: When Is Participation Valuable?

Digital Platforms

Assessing the benefits and challenges of knowledge spillovers.

From Communications of the ACM

Would Cybersecurity Professionalization Help Address the Cybersecurity Crisis?

Would Cybersecurity Professionalization Help Address the Cybersecurity Crisis?

Evaluating the trade-offs involved in cybersecurity professionalization.

From Communications of the ACM

Establishing a Nationwide CS Curriculum in New Zealand High Schools

Establishing a Nationwide CS Curriculum in New Zealand High Schools

Providing students, teachers, and parents with a better understanding of computer science and programming.

From Communications of the ACM

An Integrated Approach to Safety and Security Based on Systems Theory

An Integrated Approach to Safety and Security Based on Systems Theory

Applying a more powerful new safety methodology to security risks.

From Communications of the ACM

Bugs and Bragging Rights

Bugs and Bragging Rights

It is not always size that matters.

From Communications of the ACM

Ready Technology

Ready Technology

Fast-tracking emerging business technologies.

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