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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2013

From ACM Opinion

How the Cloud and Big Data Might Help Win the Hacker Wars

How the Cloud and Big Data Might Help Win the Hacker Wars

Hewlett-Packard's senior VP and head of its Software Enterprise Security Products, Art Gilliland, is speaking today at the RSA Security conference in San Francisco. Security is turning out to be one of those small but bright…

From ACM Opinion

Carly Fiorina on Marissa, Sheryl, and Women in Tech

Carly Fiorina on Marissa, Sheryl, and Women in Tech

Before Marissa Mayer and Sheryl Sandberg became the faces of female leadership in Silicon Valley, there was Carly Fiorina.

From Communications of the ACM

Moods, Wicked Problems, and Learning

Moods, Wicked Problems, and Learning

Wicked problems and learning environments present tough mood challenges for leaders and teachers. Telepresence and sensory gadgets are unlikely to replace physical presence in these areas.

From Communications of the ACM

Can Computer Professionals and Digital Technology Engineers Help Reduce Gun Violence?

Can Computer Professionals and Digital Technology Engineers Help Reduce Gun Violence?

Ten idea seeds.

From Communications of the ACM

Funding Successful Research

Funding Successful Research

A proposal for result-based funding for research projects.

From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: The Power of Distribution

Q&A: The Power of Distribution

Nancy Lynch talks about achieving consensus, developing algorithms, and mimicking biology in distributed systems.

From Communications of the ACM

A Copyright Challenge to Resales of Digital Music

A Copyright Challenge to Resales of Digital Music

A currently pending case will have significant implications for secondary markets in digital goods.

From Communications of the ACM

Academic Careers Workshop For Underrepresented Groups

Academic Careers Workshop For Underrepresented Groups

A longitudinal evaluation of the application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of ACW participants.

From Communications of the ACM

Ethics Viewpoints Efficacies

Ethics Viewpoints Efficacies

Seeking answers to ethical concerns.

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