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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2013

From ACM Opinion

A Eulogy For Altavista, the Google of Its Time

A Eulogy For Altavista, the Google of Its Time

Goodbye AltaVista. You deserved better than this. Better than the one-sentence send-off Yahoo gave you today, when announcing your July 8 closure date.

From ACM Opinion

Will Facebook's Robot Censors Know Porn When They See It?

Will Facebook's Robot Censors Know Porn When They See It?

The old trope about pornography is that you’ll know it when you see it. Facebook is betting that not only will it know it, but that the social network will be able to train its computers to do the same.

From ACM Opinion

'maker Movement' Taps Deep and Rich Tradition

'maker Movement' Taps Deep and Rich Tradition

Sometimes I worry we're becoming a culture of technology consumers, instead of creators.

From Communications of the ACM

Could Artificial Intelligence Create an Unemployment Crisis?

Could Artificial Intelligence Create an Unemployment Crisis?

Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics will have significant implications for evolving economic systems.

From Communications of the ACM

Statutory Damages As a Threat to Innovation

Statutory Damages As a Threat to Innovation

Considering the negative influence of U.S. statutory damage rules on technology innovation.

From Communications of the ACM

The Business of Professionals

The Business of Professionals

Expertise and service ethics are just two of the many components comprising a modern professional.

From Communications of the ACM

Toward Culturally Responsive Computing Education

Toward Culturally Responsive Computing Education

Improving academic success and social development by merging computational thinking with cultural practices.

From Communications of the ACM

Information and Communication Technology For Managing Supply Chain Risks

Information and Communication Technology For Managing Supply Chain Risks

How to encourage ethical behavior among all links in a global supply chain.

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