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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2022

From ACM Opinion

Machine-Learning Robustness, Foundation Models, and Reproducibility

Machine-Learning Robustness, Foundation Models, and Reproducibility

An interview with Percy Liang, associate professor of Computer Science at Stanford University

From ACM Opinion

The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Datasets

The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Datasets

Retired and redacted datasets flagged as harmful or biased continue to rear their ugly heads

From ACM Opinion

David Chalmers: Virtual Reality Is as Real as Real Reality

David Chalmers: Virtual Reality Is as Real as Real Reality

Philosopher explains how virtual worlds shed light on questions such as what is reality and are we living in a simulation

From ACM Opinion

The Strange Allure of the Blockchain

The Strange Allure of the Blockchain

Are we too aggressively looking to replace the danger of unjust financial systems with wildly risky alternative currencies?

From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin Is Failing Its Original Mandate

Bitcoin Is Failing Its Original Mandate

By plenty of standards, Bitcoin is a failure, but that doesn't mean it's worthless

From ACM Opinion

Considering 'Creatively Adequate' AI

Considering 'Creatively Adequate' AI

The future of artificial intelligence needs less data and can tolerate ambiguity

From ACM Opinion

An Interview with Microsoft's Head of Gaming Ecosystem

An Interview with Microsoft's Head of Gaming Ecosystem

Sarah Bond discusses how Microsoft shifted its console-centric gaming business to make the most of its investments in cloud

From ACM Opinion

I've Seen the Metaverse–and I Don't Want It

I've Seen the Metaverse–and I Don't Want It

The metaverse's seductive idea of a virtual utopia looks more like a late-capitalist technocratic nightmare

From ACM Opinion

Why Is Silicon Valley Still Waiting for the Next Big Thing?

Why Is Silicon Valley Still Waiting for the Next Big Thing?

Have the big thinkers of tech lost their mojo?

From ACM Opinion

Antitrust Enforcers Are Not Going to Back Down

Antitrust Enforcers Are Not Going to Back Down

FTC Chair Lina Khan talks outlines her vision for the future of antitrust enforcement

From ACM Opinion

Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence

Averting strategic surprises requires uncovering secrets hidden in plain sight

From ACM Opinion

The Turing Trap

The Turing Trap

The promise and peril of human-like artificial intelligence

From ACM Opinion

Microsoft Quantum Computing Exec Sees Progress

Microsoft Quantum Computing Exec Sees Progress

Company's novel, risky approach to quantum computing might be ready to put setbacks behind it

From ACM Opinion

Efforts to Rein In Big Tech May Be Running Out of Time

Efforts to Rein In Big Tech May Be Running Out of Time

Congressional bills aimed at the tech industry need to be addressed before political attention turns to midterms

From ACM Opinion

Facebook's Unglamorous Mistakes

Facebook's Unglamorous Mistakes

Facebook's little mistakes have big consequences, too, but only for us

From ACM Opinion

Is LiDAR on Its Way Out?

Is LiDAR on Its Way Out?

As automation proliferates, sensing is increasingly moving toward software and away from LiDAR

From ACM Opinion

Avoiding Defects in C Programming

Avoiding Defects in C Programming

Computer security specialist details tools and techniques developers can use to write secure code in C

From ACM Opinion

The Age of AI-ism

The Age of AI-ism

Is artificial intelligence an existenstial risk to humanity?

From ACM Opinion

Why Better AI May Depend on Fake Data

Why Better AI May Depend on Fake Data

Synthetic data can provide AI with a broader education than real-world data, but challenges exist

From ACM Opinion

The Real Action for Tech Regulation Is Far from Washington, D.C.

The Real Action for Tech Regulation Is Far from Washington, D.C.

Congress doesn't seem ready to take on privacy or competition, but states are refusing to wait around

From ACM Opinion

Why the FTC Attempt to Stop Tech 'Surveillance' Faces Long Odds

Why the FTC Attempt to Stop Tech 'Surveillance' Faces Long Odds

Lina Khan's FTC has experienced a series of delays in trying to enact new privacy rules

From ACM Opinion

Dems Will Probably Miss Chance to Shape Crypto Regulation

Dems Will Probably Miss Chance to Shape Crypto Regulation

Both houses of Congress are back in session with a packed agenda, and way down on that priority list is regulating crypto

From ACM Opinion

I Am Therefore I Think

I Am Therefore I Think

Scientists say social interaction is 'the dark matter of AI'

From ACM Opinion

The Dangers of Treating AI like a God

The Dangers of Treating AI like a God

We should be more critical of those making decisions about how AI is used, says anthropologist Beth Singler

From ACM Opinion

Robot Learning at Google and Generalization via Language

Robot Learning at Google and Generalization via Language

Google Robotics research scientist Eric Jang talks about robotic manipulation and self-supervised robotic learning

From ACM Opinion

Individual AI, a New Technology that Will Change Our World?

Individual AI, a New Technology that Will Change Our World?

Is the next version of AI a technological symbiosis of the human brain and the computer system?

From ACM Opinion

Deep Learning Can't Be Trusted

Deep Learning Can't Be Trusted

Brain modeling pioneer Stephen Grossberg explains why his ART model is better

From ACM Opinion

Crypto Means Freedom to Garry Kasparov

Crypto Means Freedom to Garry Kasparov

The chess grandmaster expects a basket of coins to replace the dollar within a decade.

From Communications of the ACM

Epic Versus Apple and the Future of App Stores

Epic Versus Apple and the Future of App Stores

Seeking a more equitable way to govern and distribute the revenues generated by App-store marketplaces.

From Communications of the ACM

Addressing Algorithmic Discrimination

Addressing Algorithmic Discrimination

Considering the intersection of technical design and civil rights when building and using classification algorithms.

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