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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2008

From ACM TechNews

Multi-Core and Parallel Programming: Is the Sky Falling?

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor Marc Snir acknowledges that multicore parallelism is difficult, and this difficulty can give rise to divergent perspectives. One perspective is that parallel programming is…

From Communications of the ACM

On the 10th Anniversary of ACM's Digital Library

On the 10th Anniversary of ACM's Digital Library

 When ACM launched its pioneering Digital Library a decade ago, it was one of the first professional societies to offer its members—and the broader computing community—a digital repository of its publications. At launch, the …

From Communications of the ACM

Education: Reprogramming College Preparatory Computer Science

Education: Reprogramming College Preparatory Computer Science

The college preparatory computer science education curriculum must be improved, beginning with the earliest phases of the process.

From Communications of the ACM

Legally Speaking: Quantafying the Value of Patent Exhaustion

Legally Speaking: <i>Quanta</i>fying the Value of Patent Exhaustion

Should patents confer power to restrict reuses and redistributions of products embodying the whole or essential parts of inventions?

From Communications of the ACM

Cyber Privacy and Security Pose Difficult Problems

Cyber Privacy and Security Pose Difficult Problems

It's not just science or engineering that will be needed to address security concerns, but law, economics, anthropology, and more.

From Communications of the ACM

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization: Part I

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization

Virtualization technology is hot again, but for the right reasons?

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