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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2022

From ACM Opinion

Tech Sanctions Won't Sting Russia for a While

Tech Sanctions Won't Sting Russia for a While

Restricting computing equipment sends an important message, but businesses will find ways around the rules

From ACM Opinion

Deep Learning Is a Bad Idea for Security

Deep Learning Is a Bad Idea for Security

Deep learning must address some major issues before AI can scale more widely into security applications

From ACM Opinion

Human Autonomy in the Age of AI

Human Autonomy in the Age of AI

Current AI policy recommendations differ on what the risks to human autonomy are

From ACM Opinion

The Rise of Big Tech May Just Be Starting

The Rise of Big Tech May Just Be Starting

Largest tech companies seem poised to expand their reach and influence over the rest of the economy, rather than relinquish it

From ACM Opinion

Who Gets to Decide if an AI Is Alive?

Who Gets to Decide if an AI Is Alive?

We need a Turing Test for consciousness that works for modern AI

From ACM Opinion

China's 5G Soars over America's

China's 5G Soars over America's

In some U.S. cities, 5G is slower than the old 4G system; Washington must make it a priority

From ACM Opinion

Innovation Is Slowing Down—and Big Tech Is to Blame

Innovation Is Slowing Down—and Big Tech Is to Blame

The great IT revolution is preventing, not promoting, economic dynamism

From ACM Opinion

Andrew Ng Calls for Smart-Sized, 'Data-Centric' Solutions to Big Issues

Andrew Ng Calls for Smart-Sized, 'Data-Centric' Solutions to Big Issues

AI pioneer says he has identified the next big shift in artificial intelligence

From ACM Opinion

The Metaverse Will Require Computing Tech No One Knows How to Build

The Metaverse Will Require Computing Tech No One Knows How to Build

Experts believe building the metaverse will require nearly every kind of chip to be an order of magnitude more powerful than it is today

From ACM Opinion

Humans and AI: Problem Finders and Problem Solvers

Humans and AI: Problem Finders and Problem Solvers

Technologies such as AlphaCode cannot think about and design their own problems, but they are very good problem solvers

From ACM Opinion

Tracing the Evolution of the Computer, from Unusual to Ubiquitous

Tracing the Evolution of the Computer, from Unusual to Ubiquitous

New book chronicles computer's journey from scientific instrument to general-purpose device

From ACM Opinion

Why a Safe Metaverse Is a Must

Why a Safe Metaverse Is a Must

Virtual worlds need strong, enforceable rules to avoid the harassment and stalking common on social media platforms

From ACM Opinion

The Inevitability of Trusted Third Parties

The Inevitability of Trusted Third Parties

The search for a crypto use case continues

From ACM Opinion

The Race to Save the Internet from Quantum Hackers

The Race to Save the Internet from Quantum Hackers

The quantum computer revolution could break encryption, but more-secure algorithms can safeguard privacy

From ACM Opinion

Supercomputing to Save the Planet

Supercomputing to Save the Planet

Fujitsu CTO Vivek Mahajan says true power of cloud will come with democratizing HPC and quantum computers for the masses

From ACM Opinion

DeepMind AlphaCode Does Not Compare to Human Programmers

DeepMind AlphaCode Does Not Compare to Human Programmers

Human programmers are in control but they must learn to harness the power and limits of AI-generated code

From ACM Opinion

Understanding Software Dynamics

Understanding Software Dynamics

In an interview, computer architect Richard L. Sites discusses his new book

From ACM Opinion

Why the Prospect of the IRS Using Facial Recognition Is So Alarming

Why the Prospect of the IRS Using Facial Recognition Is So Alarming

The U.S. government should put more care and due diligence into its use and advocacy of facial recognition technology

From ACM Opinion

Connecting Large Language Models to Human Values

Connecting Large Language Models to Human Values

AI researcher Connor Leahy talks about replicating GPT-2/GPT-3, superhuman AI, AI alignment, AI risk and research norms, and more

From ACM Opinion

Web3 Is the Future, or a Scam, or Both

 Web3 Is the Future, or a Scam, or Both

So what exactly is Web3, and why is everyone in Silicon Valley obsessed with it?

From ACM Opinion

Giving an AI Control of Nuclear Weapons: What Could Go Wrong?

Giving an AI Control of Nuclear Weapons: What Could Go Wrong?

The challenge of autonomous nuclear weapons is a serious one that has received little attention

From ACM Opinion

Peering into the Black Box of Machine-Learning Algorithms

Peering into the Black Box of Machine-Learning Algorithms

NBC correspondent's new book explores long-term dangers of using "behavior design" to hook users

From ACM Opinion

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game

Some Indian Institutes of Technology are struggling to establish themselves and must quickly turn things around

From Communications of the ACM

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education

"I cannot work on what I cannot see . . ." —Katherine Goble, Hidden Figures

From Communications of the ACM

I Unplugged What?

I Unplugged What?

The lessons here are broader than just a simple "Don't do that."

From Communications of the ACM

Becoming Universal

Becoming Universal

A new history of modern computing.

From Communications of the ACM

Data Science Meets Law

Data Science Meets Law

Learning Responsible AI together.

From Communications of the ACM

Is Your Autonomous Vehicle as Smart as You Expected?

Is Your Autonomous Vehicle as Smart as You Expected?

Suggesting a better route to evaluate autonomous vehicles' smartness.

From Communications of the ACM

A Brave New World of Mediated Online Discourse

A Brave New World of Mediated Online Discourse

Is artificial intelligence up to the task of managing online discourse in social networks?

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