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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2020

From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Researchers Clicked on Ads to Track Misinformation

Q&A: Researchers Clicked on Ads to Track Misinformation

Researchers at the University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering found that both mainstream and misinformation news sites display similar levels of problematic ads.

From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders

The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders

Edsger Wybe Dijkstra's work and ideas shaped the emerging field of computer science like few others.

From ACM Opinion

Why the Most Controversial U.S. Internet Law Is Worth Saving

Why the Most Controversial U.S. Internet Law Is Worth Saving

Donald Trump and Joe Biden both want to throw out Section 230. Here's why America should fix it instead. By Paul M. Barrett, deputy director of the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights.

From ACM Opinion

Sony CEO Taps His Inner Gamer

Sony CEO Taps His Inner Gamer

Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida discusses the PlayStation maker's "American" comeback, videogames he loves to play, and the reason for Sony's electric ca.

From ACM News

'A Very Exciting Time to be at the Helm'

'A Very Exciting Time to be at the Helm'

A conversation with U.S. National Science Foundation director Sethuraman Panchanathan.

From ACM Opinion

Let’s Program in Social Studies Classes

Let’s Program in Social Studies Classes

NSF funding for our work in task-specific programming languages.

From ACM Opinion

Section 230 Is a Government License to Build Rage Machines

Section 230 Is a Government License to Build Rage Machines

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act serves as Facebook and Google's get-out-of-jail-free card for conspiracies and disinformation.

From ACM Opinion

AI Ruined Chess. Now, It's Making the Game Beautiful Again

AI Ruined Chess. Now, It's Making the Game Beautiful Again

Former world champion Vladimir Kramnik teamed up with AI researchers at Alphabet's DeepMind lab to test game variants that can jolt chess players into creative new patterns.

From ACM Opinion

When Algorithms Give Real Students Imaginary Grades

When Algorithms Give Real Students Imaginary Grades

In-person final exams were canceled for thousands of students this spring, so computers stepped in — to disastrous effect.

From ACM Opinion

Netflix's Reed Hastings Deems Remote Work 'a Pure Negative'

Netflix's Reed Hastings Deems Remote Work 'a Pure Negative'

Reed Hastings, a founder and co-chief executive of Netflix Inc., discusses working from home, returning to the office, delivering candid feedback, and more.

From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst

Q&A: Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst

Stephen Brobst, chief technology officer of Teradata., discusses his career path, his time with customers, storing programs on cassette tape, and more.

From Communications of the ACM

A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law

A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law

Considering the recent increased attention to privacy law issues amid the typically slow pace of legal change.

From Communications of the ACM

Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Lessons from Aviation

Autonomous Vehicle Safety

How more than 25years of experience with aviation safety-critical systems can be applied to autonomous vehicle systems.

From Communications of the ACM

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators

Avalanches generate enormous breakdowns. The practices of innovation adoption may be just what you need to resolve them.

From Communications of the ACM

'Have You Thought About . . .': Talking About Ethical Implications of Research

'Have You Thought About . . .'

Considering the good and the bad effects of technology.

From Communications of the ACM

Integrating Management Science Into the HPC Research Ecosystem

Integrating Management Science Into the HPC Research Ecosystem

How management science benefits from High Performance Computing.

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