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Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2021

From ACM Opinion

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders

Human programmers can actually become more powerful and efficient with Codex

From ACM Opinion

Facebook Is What's Wrong with America, Says Tech Billionaire Benioff

Facebook Is What's Wrong with America, Says Tech Billionaire Benioff

Salesforce CEO warns that deception on social media is making it harder to solve societal challenges

From ACM Opinion

Why Facebook Should Release the Facebook Files

Why Facebook Should Release the Facebook Files

The company's least-bad option might also do a lot of good

From ACM Opinion

Timnit Gebru's Plan to Rethink Big Tech

Timnit Gebru's Plan to Rethink Big Tech

Former Google AI ethics chief says whistleblowers working on AI need newer, better, tougher regulatory protections

From ACM Opinion

Protecting People from States

Protecting People from States

Cyber governance must have human rights, freedom at its core

From ACM Opinion

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype

Developers try to overcome a multitude of technical challenges before vehicles drive on their own

From ACM Opinion

Leadership Lessons about Ethical AI and Algorithms

Leadership Lessons about Ethical AI and Algorithms

Wall Street Journal's Facebook series exposes flaws in leadership's handling of algorithms' unintended consequences

From ACM Opinion

Should Oversight of Biased AI Be Left Up to People?

Should Oversight of Biased AI Be Left Up to People?

Mounting research shows humans may not be up to the task of reigning in runaway algorithms

From ACM Opinion

America Is Being Held for Ransom, and It Needs to Fight Back

America Is Being Held for Ransom, and It Needs to Fight Back

A comprehensive anti-ransomware strategy must make it tougher for criminal groups and their sponsors to carry out attacks

From ACM Opinion

A Developer's Guide to Machine-Learning Security

A Developer's Guide to Machine-Learning Security

Countering adversarial attacks means understanding the different types as well as the ML weak spots

From ACM Opinion

What Social Media Needs to Learn from Traditional Media

What Social Media Needs to Learn from Traditional Media

The industry needs to develop professional norms—just as journalism once did

From ACM Opinion

Yann LeCun Talks Research Beginnings and Recent Developments

Yann LeCun Talks Research Beginnings and Recent Developments

Deep-learning pioneer discusses early days in image-processing and developments in self-supervised learning for computer vision

From ACM Opinion

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines

Tech leader discusses the state of GitHub's infrastructure, open source software philosophies, and more

From ACM Opinion

Who's Building the Foundation Models of the Future?

Who's Building the Foundation Models of the Future?

Curation, auditing, and evaluation of so-called 'foundation models' should not be left to the tech industry.

From ACM Opinion

The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems

The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems

The impact of AI's massive carbon footprint is social, not just environmental

From ACM Opinion

Apple and Facebook Are Coming for Your Face Next

Apple and Facebook Are Coming for Your Face Next

The face computer is coming—brace yourself

From ACM Opinion

Building Computer Models That See Everything

Building Computer Models That See Everything

Advanced modeling and experimental techniques help computational neuroscientist understand how our minds try to perceive the world

From ACM Opinion

What Is Facebook?

What Is Facebook?

It's a question that's bedeviled the company's own executives for years

From ACM Opinion

Politics Will Be Poorer Without Angela Merkel's Scientific Approach

Politics Will Be Poorer Without Angela Merkel's Scientific Approach

The departing German chancellor's support for science and rigour in policymaking has proved transformative—except on climate change.

From ACM Opinion

Where Should Information Go to Be Safe?

Where Should Information Go to Be Safe?

Enterprise data is safest in the cloud and in the 'fog', according to one expert

From ACM Opinion

Donald Knuth: The Father of Algorithm Analysis

Donald Knuth: The Father of Algorithm Analysis

Turing Award winner talks programming, algorithms, the meaning of life, and more

From ACM Opinion

Machine Learning Won't Solve Natural Language Understanding

Machine Learning Won't Solve Natural Language Understanding

Data-driven approaches to NLU are psychologically, cognitively, and computationally implausible.

From ACM Opinion

The Third Revolution in Warfare

The Third Revolution in Warfare

First there was gunpowder. Then nuclear weapons. Next: artificially intelligent weapons.

From ACM Opinion

Talking Secure Coding

Talking Secure Coding

Security expert discusses the importance of secure coding, how to improve adoption, best practices, and more

From ACM Opinion

The World Is Running Out of Microchips—Here's the Solution

The World Is Running Out of Microchips—Here's the Solution

Microchips are produced by a few large companies; an open-source design approach could end their dominance

From ACM Opinion

Battery Pioneer Akira Yoshino Talks Tesla, Apple, and the Electric Future

Battery Pioneer Akira Yoshino Talks Tesla, Apple, and the Electric Future

2019 Nobel Prize winner discusses the prospect of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles and autonomous electric vehicles that charge themselves

From ACM Opinion

How Open Source Software Shapes AI Policy

How Open Source Software Shapes AI Policy

And why it is largely absent from policy discussions on artificial intelligence

From ACM Opinion

Did DeepMind Just Take a Big Step Toward More Human-Like AI?

Did DeepMind Just Take a Big Step Toward More Human-Like AI?

DeepMind researchers have created software agents that navigate a three-dimensional game world called XLand, where the agents learn from experience, by trial and error, how to play a vast number of simple games.

From ACM Opinion

The Global Research Community Must Not Abandon Afghanistan

The Global Research Community Must Not Abandon Afghanistan

Vulnerable Afghan researchers need the international research community’s support

From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tech Companies Are Suddenly Focused on Child Safety

Here's Why Tech Companies Are Suddenly Focused on Child Safety

Tech colossi are responding to shifting political winds and trying to preempt new, impending regulations

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