A handful of U.S. tech companies, including Amazon, Alibaba, Alphabet, Facebook, and Netflix, along with Chinese mega-players such as Baidu, are responsible for $2 of every $3 spent globally on AI. They're also among the top AI patent holders.
Bhaskar Chakravorti is the dean of global business at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
Despite the executive orders and congressional hearings of the "Biden antitrust revolution," the most profound anti-competitive shift is happening under policymakers' noses: the cornering of artificial intelligence and automation by a handful of tech companies.
This needs to change. We must get beyond considering antitrust in the rearview mirror. The road ahead points to a growing concentration in AI.
The risks of monopolization have changed in ways that Teddy Roosevelt never would have imagined as he was setting the rules of competitiveness for America's Machine Age. If the Biden antitrust revolution were updated to the needs of the "second machine age," history would only thank us for it.
From Wired
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